MovieChat Forums > Romeo Must Die (2000) Discussion > Using aaliyah as a weapon

Using aaliyah as a weapon

when the Chinese chic comes for Jet Li, he says he can't hit a girl, so he hits the Chinese chic to death with Aaliyah as a weapon.
So he can only hit a girl with another girl a a weapon?
Pretty thick!


it's not thick, he doesn't use her as a weapon, she helps him to fight the asian chic. did you ever think its good he can't hit a girl?


what?? he obviously uses her as a weapon, her fists and feet to hit the girl! did you think Aaliyah's character was good enough to fight the woman, or that he needed his help? at best, your point are mere semantics, like when I say about my family "I don't discuss with them, they discuss with me". overall, it's the same.

and it is pretty dumb not to fight her. I don't fight women either but if there was one willing to kick my ass I'd definetely hit back. not knock her hard, or fight to death, but enough to submit her and get some info. boy, this movie was crap!

Well, that was fun... in a fuc kin' terrible, sick, not-at-all-fun kinda way


I was only pointing out the fact it's good he couldn't hit a women. By using Aaliyah's character to help him fight the asian chic isn't using her as a weapon, she is helping him fight. If he had hit the chic himself, Im sure many people would be making comments that it was wrong for him to hit a women. It's a movie and it was in the script.
The movie isn't crap, you just didn't like it.

Have you ever heard " If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"?


yeah, hear it a lot in these boards. some people just can't stand different opinions.

Well, that was fun... in a fuc kin' terrible, sick, not-at-all-fun kinda way


'If he had hit the chic himself, Im sure many people would be making comments that it was wrong for him to hit a women. It's a movie and it was in the script'.

I don't agree I don't think people wouldnt complain cus this chic was gettin ready to kill him so it would be self defence. I'm in two minds about the jet- using- aaliyah- to- fight- scene it looked impressive but it was sooo unnecessary


i love everything about jet li but this was the stupidest part in any movie ever.
i loved the movie though, jet li and aaliyah are great together


Actualy I think this was a neat seen. It shows that hes grown up to be a gentelmen
and that he has also been trained the the extream. (seeing he can use someone els to fight.)



u mean, reminded, u of jackie chan?


"I don't know how it is in China, but in America if a girl's beatin' your ass you don't have to be a gentleman."
Funniest line.


I thought that it was a great scene. It reminded me of a scene from The Matrix. It is also one of my favorite scenes. I don't think that he was using her as a weapon. To me, she was helping him to fight. Trish hits the woman with the car door. To me, this meant that she wasn't afraid of her. She was willing to fight to save them both. She didn't know that style of fighting. In order to save them both, Han had to help her to fight. I also love the fact that he was raised to be a gentleman and not hit women.


Since when does gender equally mean treating women different than men? You want to treated like a guy, if you fight a guy, you should get hit like a guy.

Typical fem-BS double standard.


I also think that if a female is going to yell, scream, and verbally berate a guy, then the guy should be allow to scream, yell, and verbally berate back at the woman. Too many women complain about not having a man who can defend himself; yet, they do not want a guy to stand up against the verbal abuse coming from a woman's mouth. In the TV show Moonlighting, David Addision did not take garbage from his female boss Maddie Hayes and fought back with his sharp tongue and mind.


Too many posters to read through so may be repeating something already stated. But no didnt use her as weapon. During interviews with Aaliyah that scene was set that way to show that her character (who wasnt showcased as a fighter) could do so with assistance. And of course Jet Li's character as stated (believed in not hitting girls). So he helped Aaliyah take on the chinese girl (who obviously would have kick Aaliyahs butt on a one on one) if she didnt have Jet Li character walking her through some kong fu moves.


I agree, he just used Aaliyah to kick the girls butt. I would have loved to see Aaliyah get down and fight, she probably could kick that girls but.


Also, I have watched quite a few of Jet Li's movies and when he has to face a girl in a battle, he always defends himself but not attack. All his moves are defensive. Something to wonder huh? American movies don't have that trouble with it.

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