Essentially perfect?
Naturally you're all free to disagree with my header (and, this being IMDb, you probably will), but I think The Limey is far more than a "well-made revenge picture", as some reviewers have suggested.
Last night I watched the film for the umpteenth time and, in my estimation, there's not a pointless moment or shot in the entire 90-odd minute running time. Every scene, no matter how brief or plot-obligated, seems to contain some element that comes close to being <gulp> profound. I'd offer examples, but in black and white text, I'm afraid they'd sound trite.
In the centre of it all, of course, is Stamp's performance -- moving, hilarious, and as deeply felt as any in recent memory. Just look at his eyes during the in-flight shots. Something magical seems to be happening behind them, something that goes beyond the realm of a mere "performance".
I'm not doing a very good job of explaining what makes this movie so memorable, but I highly recommend seeing it more than once. More than twice or three times, for that matter.