Does anyone rate the scene with Bill Duke?
Having browsed through a few other threads concerning this film it has become apparent that several people take issue with this scene, which for me was one of the best in the whole film. Some people didn't get the relevance of it, some people complained about Stamp's exaggerated cockney accent and slow delivery and others moaned about the jumpy editing especially during his diatribe about the 'screw.'
All those reasons are why I loved it and rewind it regularly to enjoy its impact again. The whole speech he gives is disjointed and this is made clear straight from the beginning when he is shown into the office and immediately, before being bidden to do anything, starts off on this rant in the face of the DEA agent. The jumpy editing and slow delivery and exaggerated accent are highly effective in unsettling the viewer which enables the last line of the speech, which, contrastingly, is delivered in a very controlled and concise manner, "..and therefore act accordingly" to be so powerful and slightly humorous. And as to the scene's relevance, if you don't get that then you need to watch it again and concentrate!
What d'ya reckon, eh?
"..I'll bleed you, real quiet, and leave you here. Got that?!"