Made for Americans
I'm sure there are many americans who did not enjoy this film but being British I couldn't overlook the inaccuracies in Stamp's "cockney" speach, the accent was nowhere near cockney and his mannerisms are nothing like those of a typical Cockney gangster. However what really annoyed me was the americanisation of Stamp's speach, right at the very beginning of the film when he knocks on Eduardo's door he says "you wrote me about my daughter", he then repeats this construction later on so its no mistake. NO British person would say this, it would always be "wrote TO me" the preposition is never omitted in British English and I find it impossible to believe that the character would adjust his grammar without changing his vocabulary to be understood, as he makes embarrassingly bad usage of rhyming slang throughout the film.
However even if I could overlook all of the above I still couldn't enjoy the film, the premise was unoriginal and overall the film was utterly ridiculous.