I love this movie

I really don't care what anyone says.

Forest Whitiker could read passages out of a samurai book for hours , I would enjoy every moment.

When I grew up , it was a different kung fu movie on channel 5 at 3pm every week.

So we all ask kids wanted to know martial arts. And of course we all never even took one class , we just kept watching movies.

I am 44 and alone. I love seeing movies of a solitary life, and being comfortable in that life.

Ghost Dog sees the beauty of the boat and the beauty of the bird.

That's really all we can do in this life. Find beauty and don't compromise what you believe in.


i am 34 years old myself and i used to think this was memorable as it was my #7 movie of 1999 with a 7.5-8/10.

but nowadays... it's only a mild thumbs up (i.e. 6.5-7/10) as i just finished re-watching it and it's just not as interesting for me as it used to be. i think the last time i seen it prior to now was roughly 4 years ago. but basically... the movie is good in bursts but the overall movie just don't hold my interest as well as it used to.

My Top 9 movies of 1999...

1.The Green Mile - 10/10
2.The Boondock Saints - 9-10/10
3.The Matrix - 9/10
4.The Thomas Crown Affair - 8.5-9/10 (probably a 8.5)
5.The Ninth Gate - 8/10 (Polanski's best film)
7.Three Kings - 7.5-8/10 (probably a 7.5)
8.Eyes Wide Shut - 7-7.5/10 (probably a 7.5)
9.The World Is Not Enough - 7/10

My Vote History ... http://imdb.to/rb1gYH


I can see how you rank Thomas crown affair and world is not enough higher than ghost dog.

I humbly say sir, you and I have nothing in common. Go watch Transformers, while I watch Primer, Go watch Transformers 2 , while I watch Code 46.

Good day.
