MovieChat Forums > Under Suspicion (2000) Discussion > Conspiracy Theory - Under Suspicion

Conspiracy Theory - Under Suspicion


I can run with the theory of the man who has become so disillusioned that he confesses to a crime he didn't commit, but on another level, how did his wife get her hands on those photos? My memory is a bit vague, but weren't they found in Hearst's darkroom? Isn't it possible that he did commit the crimes?

And has anyone considered the possibility that there may have been some form of official cover-up/scapegoat situation occurring at the end of the film when another man was "caught in the act"?


Yes, but, all Hackman's character was guilty of was =liking= litte girls. All he'd done was take pictures of them. His wife suspected him of being more than an interested uncle with her niece, but nevertheless, he'd done nothing untoward with her. The CD album with the pictures of the dead girls were found in the murderer's car. Remember, the name of the original book is "BRAINWASH". Hackman's character thot he was a strong man, but was able to be broken down and convinced that he'd committed the crimes just as easily as the weakest person.


I originally thought there was something between Felix and Chantal. But that didn't last long. hahaha. Then I thought Chantal may have either committed the murders or had someone do it to get back at Hackman's character. All the evidence pointed towards Henry. The photos, his whereabouts etc. Remember he was talking through the one way mirror to his wife Chantal and saying, "Why don't you come in here and face me" or something like that.

My take was that Henry confessed as he believe Chantal had set him up for revenge for her perceived thinking that Henry was a pedophile. Henry gave up and "confessed" as he realised his own wife had done him in.

I don't for one minute think he actually thought or was brainwashed into thinking he had actually murdered anyone. He was instead a broken man with a wife who didn't love him and as far as he knew, was trying to ruin him.

The ending on the bench was revealing. Chantal lunges towards Henry to forgive him and makeup. Henry insteads rejects her and sits on the bench. He couldn't forgive her and burns her instead. It also appeared to me as though Henry was leaving her for good too after his look towards Victor.

Just my 2 cents worth. A great film. Why the F*&^ does Hollywood let these films die and burn like this? This film hardly saw a theatrical run. Criminal.

- km


KoolMonkey, I recommend you read the transcription I did of the commentary track by Stephen Hopkins and Morgan Freeman, which I posted under the topic "Message?". It gives a small explanation as to why he confessed.

Link here:

