
Does anyone know the first two songs - the one where the are showing the actors names and the other one where Gene Hackman walks in on his wife dressing? Also the last song of the movie during the last of the credits? None of these songs are on the soundtrack. thanks Laura


i have to tell you that i just saw the movie.i needed a couple of minutes to recover because for me it was very emotional.and the very next moment i looked for the soundtrack and when i found it,you can imagine my disappoiontment when i didn't find the first and the last songs from the movie?that was really the first thing to do when i saw the movie,then i checked the imdb for any comments and i saw your request.what a coincidence?:)well did you find them?it is really bizarre to find out that somebody else,on the other side of the planet probably,thinks the same way as you!!!


I do believe they are both part of the score by BT, who is widely known for his techno songs like "Never Gonna Come Back Down". BT did do the score for this film, and the song playing on the radio when Chantal was getting dressed may have been a piece that BT composed just for this film.

Speaking of which, the piece that plays during the flashback of Rio Del Blvd., where Victor asks Henry if he saw any hookers, when it begans, it sounds almost similar to the opening theme to "The Fast and The Furious", which BT also did the score for.



the musical score is indeed composed by BT, and is not featured on the soundtrack. I also was looking for this score, and was enraged the soundtrack is rubbish, with all songs not featured in the movie!

Fortunately, there exists a promo CD with the score from BT, which is extremely hard to find though. It can however be found on the internet, via the following options:

- FileTopia - a downloading program, to be downloaded on, in channel MovieMusic are several users with the score.

- mIRC - another downloading program, however a bit more difficult. The score can be found on server PhazeNet, in channel #mp3_soundtracks

Hope this helps, I'm downloading it right now and it really contains all the desired music :-)

Good Luck!



The only BT track I recognized was "Dreaming" which was played towards the begining when Hackman helped his wife get dressed.
