Free(ish) DVD in UK

I guess most people who visit this board have seen Under Suspicion, but -
you can get a free copy of "Under Suspicion" on DVD with this weekend's Mail on Sunday - 7th. May.

Get it if you don't know it. Worth the cost of the paper...

“Nobody’s winning. One side’s just losing slower than the other.”


It would be if it was in the paper, the publishers messed up I was told at morrisons, they forgot to put it in.

And I haven't seen it either, so i need to ask them where my copy is


I got it today in a copy of the Mail, bought it at Tescos! Looks good!


I got my copy of Mail On Sunday & it had a coy in a platic cover with the Magazine, inside the newspaper.
I got it from W.H.Smith Norwich Station.


That's bad luck, Kujox. There's a whole bunch being sold on they got into some papers.

“Nobody’s winning. One side’s just losing slower than the other.”


I got one in the paper, good film.
