Waste of time
The first part of the movie is decent...not spectacular, but definitely has promise. The ending is a complete and utter let down. It is beyond ridiculous. Let me explain:
1. Hackman's character is an attorney 2. Early in the interview he is made aware that he is a suspect 3. Despite this he continues the interview knowing full well he is under heavy suspicion 4. He knows his wife is incriminating him either intentionally or unintentionally...and still continues 5. He can be placed at the scene of both crimes...yet continues 6. You get the idea 7. He continues to either lie or forgot important details
No person with a knowledge of the law and rights of the accused and police powers, or admissible evidence would continue after #2.
And yet the movie goes on...hurtling toward one of the most ridiculous endings ever. This lawyer, this 57 year old, perfectly sane, world-wise man decides to falsely confess to raping and killing to pre-teen girls. Uh-huh.
False confessions certainly happen. They are proffered for various reasons. Some people are so unstable they do it for a thrill. Some are mentally challenged, others so delusional they actually believe they did do it. Others are just young, or unsophisticated. Hackman's character is the exact opposite of the false confessor. 57 year old, sane, tax lawyers do not falsely confess to brutal crimes---I doubt many even confess to real crimes they did commit!
I don't care what the psychological reasoning...it doesn't happen...it would not happen. Love...please...maybe if he was 18. Fear..no lawyer fears the system when they are innocent...they fight back within it. The cops broke him and convinced him...no way...people with his background and experience are not going to crack and give a false confession.
I felt cheated by the ending. When it all came down I just sat in silence as did the person I watched it with. About 30 seconds later we both looked at each other and asked if the other understood what that was all about...I just couldn't believe they made him falsely confess. Utterly nonsensical. Do not try to explain the ending if you watch this movie---it does not make sense and never could. Inevitably, you will think you are missing something at the end...but you aren't...that is all there is to it---they want you to believe this guy falsely confessed and yes it is as simple and ridiculous as that.