MovieChat Forums > Under Suspicion (2000) Discussion > I just wasted 110 minutes of my life

I just wasted 110 minutes of my life

Is this the worst ending of any film in history? 105 minutes of tension leading up to 5 minutes of incoherent confusion. Who wrote this film? Anyone? It's like watching Psycho and, at the end, Mrs. Bates is alive, Norman is sane, and the murders were committed by an anonymous person who lives just inside Fairvale.


At least you got that the murders were committed by an anonymous person. .
All too many think Chantal was the murderer.

Read sidnee's post on the first page of the following thread

I think the ending is quite shocking in view of Henry's confession. There is no confusion. He is innocent (of the murders) but is driven to confess because he sees Chantal thinks he is guilty, so his life has collapsed and he has revealed aspects of his life he would rather have kept to himself. His marriage has been hanging on by a thread, now it's destroyed even though Chantal finally sees how wrong she has been.

It's one of those films that gets better on subsequent viewings.

“Instant gratification takes too long.”


Re "Instant gratification takes too long"

Unfullfilled gratification is a waste of time. There is a film called "Two Sisters". It is recommended on this board that you see it at least five times before you understand it. These are films, not addenda to the Constitution.


So do you never watch a film more than once ? You see all films as disposable ? Don't buy DVDs ? Never read a book, see a play, listen to a piece of music or a song more than once ? But addenda to the constitution are different - you read those over and over...?

If so, it would seem my signature line (a film quote) might apply to you !

“Instant gratification takes too long.”


Well said, Cassandra.

Besides, JackGriffin failed to grasp the central narrative of the movie. It's not really about the murder case at all. It's a study of men's and women's perceptions and actions within their intimate relations. Also, the degree to which we deceive ourselves....

The murder case is the vehicle which drives the characters to a staggering epiphany about themselves at the end of the picture.

I think the movie is great. It was a labor of deep satisfaction by the two stars, Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman, who brought to movie to the screen as co-producers. It's their baby.



I watch a lot of films many times because they are satisfying as a whole, Cassandra, not to try to figure out their meaning. I never said all films are disposable, nor did I remotely imply that. A good work of art can be enjoyed many times, be it music, literature, or film. A bad work of artlessness like this film should be watched once and forgotten. Maybe you need more than one viewing to comprehend them, Cassandra. I personally don't have time to dwell on sub par films.


well said, jack. this film was like good foreplay....followed by a nap.

no thanks.

Col. Powell, Leave The Dark Side...We Have Cake.
