My take..
I thought this to be a intense film, featuring phenomenal acting by duo Gene and Morgan. I thought the acting to be so high in quality the academy awards could of recognized gene's performance in particular.
I just finished watching the film and would like to give my take on the story.
Gene's life prior to Morgans suspicion was obviously fractured. There were problems within his relationship with Belucci, but never for once did he come across as a murderer. I felt the whole time his 'lying' and 'stumbling' was because he thought there may of been a chance he did murder the two kids, added to the fact he had a speech to give in 30 minutes. He was also very drunk the night it all happened - he might of questioned himself for a minute.
All throughout the movie Morgan is probing and pressing, and at times telling Gene, what Gene did. He was in a way, saying how 'he would do it', Morgan was telling the story. In fact, even in one of the later flashbacks, you see Morgan move first and Gene watch from afar, when before it had been vice versa.
By the time we are in the interrogating room at the end, Gene has a great little point where he speaks of growing old and how "if we are attracted to teenagers when we are teenagers, what changes? We must therefore still be attracted, our interest hasn't aged the way we have" and "Their skin looks the way skin should look.". After this little sermon from Gene I felt as if Morgan began to fall under the spot light himself. Infact, humans or men in general, because what Gene has said is quite a natural declaration.
At this point I still don't think Gene is guilty. By the end, he's been chewed and chewed to a point where he can no longer defend himself. he's forced to give a statement. But every word he gives in the statement, is a direct repeat of the story Morgan had given earlier.
At the end of this film, Gene is innocent. Make whatever you like of the Belucci/Gene affair, but the greatest interpretation for me from this film is despite Gene being a 'power, money grabbing attorney', and Morgan the 'good' cop, the line of 'who is proper' is smeared and by the end I feel Morgan to be the lesser man. It just goes to show.
I hope some of you get this! Its an hour too late at night for my liking :)