Just call the cops

You find a dead body in your home, what do you do next?

A) Call the cops immediately
B) Go down the street to your *beep* neighbors house and say " Hey man your kid killed this girl come check it out"

I understand him wanting to tell him about it before it gets to the news or whatever but he could have went down the street after he called the cops. He almost got himself killed. What was he trying to accomplish?


Apparently he didn't know the dads were in on the cover up.


He didn't know and as a friend wanted to give him a heads up on it before he called the police.


She'd been dead for like a year at that point. There was really no neef to rush and he didn't know the Dads were in on it.


It's a film. In films characters will often do stupid unrealistic things for "dramatic purposes".




Ok - Lets say I find a dead body in my pantry.


#2 - Leave the room, call the Police immediately

Then wait outside for the cops to show up.

Once the Police arrive, answer any questions they may have - cooperate fully.


To me it depends , if it's a really really close childhood friend then bring him to show him the corpse and then cover back the wall and act as if you didn't see anything , do you wanna be responsible for sending your best friend and/or his son to jail for 20 years? She is already dead anyway.
