I haven't seen this movie for 20 years!
I saw it back in the day in cinemas in the New Millennium, but I wasn't particularly impressed as I remember, I've seen it advertised many times yet never saw any reason to revisit it in the interim, until tonight, during a time where I've been watching many movies I saw many moons ago.
My memories of the movie from 20 years ago were a rat being squeezed and splattered, the infamous transformation sequence with all the gore, a humourous scene where the guy uses his invisibility to frighten children in an adjacent car, the swimming pool scene, and the last shot where he drops to his death in the elevator shaft.
It wasn't a bad movie for most of the time, although I thought the lead guy was one hell of a pervert in such a responsible position, and it had the feel of Total Recall with the music and even the look of some of the lab equipment, but the ending, where he survives all manner of crowbars to the cranium, electrocutions AND flamethrower burnings, ruins the suspense. Come to think of it, it seems the only practical effect was a gorilla on the operating table that fell apart when they tried to bring it back, shown on a projector - it looked physically real to me.
I can see I didn't miss much, but it leaves me curious for that new recent movie on the same subject that's come out.