Something I've always thought kind of interesting? If you want to gauge someone's creativity, have them view a movie with multiple plot holes and ask them afterward how they justified them at the time to make sense of the movie. Know what I mean?
There was this really small-budget, independent zombie movie I was watching with a buddy where, towards the end, the protagonist ended up inside of some hatchback car, surrounded by zombies and armed only with the baseball he carried around.
The scene suddenly ends and the next one begins with him having somehow made it out alive. I couldn't figure it out myself, but buddy was like, "well he must have unraveled the baseball, used the string inside to fabricate a make-shift net to string across the backseat, lured the zombies to the hatchback, popped it open and then crawled out the driver/passenger door while they tried fumbling their way through it"
Which, after looking up the comments on the film, made more sense than the filmmakers had intended, since they couldn't figure out a way for him to escape so just cut to the next scene instead.
I don't know, plot holes are a great means to bring about fluid creativity, it seems like. As Paladin here just demonstrated.