Why JP3 wasn't As good

It's certainly entertaining but in my opinion there were a few things wrong with it. One being the CGI, it strayed from the beautiful animatronics created by the great Stan Winston. This made most of dinosaurs come off as unrealistic, making it feel like they were pasted onto the screen. Character development is another minus, it would never be as good as the first,but none of the characters really grew served any purpose other than being eaten. Third and probably most important is the story. No on is really going to believe a preteen is going to survive on his own for months on an island filled with dinosaurs, and living off of Nestles crunch bars. He would've been dead and still attached to the parachute. Another thing that bugged me was the raptors lack of aggression. In two scenes they stared way too long at their prey not to do anything, and in the final one they just let them walk away... Amazing. To top it all off ,the rescue scene at the end was just a perfect summation of the over the top story that was just told. I've been a fan since I saw it come out when I was a kid, and I love the whole series really. Just wanted to give my thoughts on why it didn't really hold up.


Interesting points, but the single thing that is making me hate this film, the point that made me stop after only 33 minutes into it - Tea Leoni! I kept shouting at the screen "Please kill her!" She was extremely annoying in this film. I will go back and TRY to finish watching it in the hopes my plea will be answered, but fulling expecting her to survive. If so, there is no god.

Also, I agree with your take that there was no way the boy would survive 8 weeks, let alone 8 days, (especially after seeing what his parents acted like) and that's being generous. I am also baffled that some think this was better than "Lost World" a film I enjoyed.

Okay, I've vented enough - back to the film...

FYI, Newsgroupie refers to my being an avid Usenet user, not a news hound.


I just watched the movie on DVD. Yes, I also question about the survival ability of the boy Eric after his companion died. It appears that he managed to find a truck that had supplies and he was living inside of it. When he rescued Dr. Grant and they reached the truck, his reaction to Dr. Grant was as if he was living on the island and not really grateful at finding someone else there. He asks Dr. Grant, "What are you doing here?" So much for being rescued.
