Better then 2 and 4.




It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Yup. It is sad that III is the best sequel so far. JW was hot garbage.


I think 2 was way better. I like 3, but 2 felt more like the original and I loved it. I still remember seeing it in the theater when I was 7 and how awesome I thought it was.

4 looked so bad I didn't even bother to see it, not wanting to see the series desecrated by something that was clearly made just to cash in on the popularity of the earlier movies.


With the exception of the "ALLEN!" raptor scene(which I actually like. I have had bizarre dreams just like that where external stimuli is incorporated into my dream in a very strange way) and Téa Leoni's character, Jurassic Park III was pretty solid as a sequel.

TLW was all over the place in tone, style, message, and even the plot. You can tell Crichton was either contractually obligated and/or looking for a fat pay check.
The editing is jarring at times, especially the exclusion of the raptors on the boat. How did the T-Rex eat the people on the enclosed bridge without even damaging it?
The character(Nick Van Owen) that causes the most trouble is never addressed as such.
Then there is the gymnastics vs raptor scene with the groan worthy line, "They cut you from the team?!" line following it.
Good god. It is so bad. I can go on for pages, but I will end this rant here.



Nope. Worst by far. It also has the dumbest characters, too.


I honestly didn't care for 4. Pratt to me is no Neil or Goldblum. I like Bryce her character is bland. Those two kids annoyed me. Don't get me stated on the 5th film. I really hate when we get sequels over a decade later and they suck to the point were its insulting


Even though I think that it has significant flaws, I'd have to say that Jurassic World is the second best of the franchise. But I'm with you that 5 sucks. I was really looking forward to Fallen Kingdom and it truly ended up being hot garbage. So disappointing.


Not sure if I agree but at least 3 seemed to know it was a waste of time and didn't try to be anything bigger than it was. 2 on the other hand was beyond infuriating, it was so damn pretentious with it's animal rights message and it didn't even convey it well.


I'd say that 3 is more entertaining than 2 and 5. But 4 is certainly superior to 3.

The Lost World should've been much better than it was. It has its moments, certainly, but it's overall a very disappointing follow-up to JP. Three, as you say, knows what it is and doesn't try to be more than that. It's a fairly fun B-movie. Nothing more or less and that's okay.

Jurassic World is not a bad soft reboot. It's certainly not as good as the first film, but I enjoy it. JW2 though was pretty shitty.

Hopefully they'll really send the JW trilogy out on a high note with the next film.


The preachy messages in the Lost World are what got on my nerves and the fact that the people we are supposed to be rooting for are complete idiots who keep getting people killed all while wagging their fingers at others about how they are going to get people killed. I hate Lost World so much, III was still a piece of garbage but was at least good mindless fun.

I can tolerate 4 and 5.


Absolutely, the Spinosaurus is the best villain Dino to this day.
