MovieChat Forums > Angel (1999) Discussion > Ep by ep; Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Ep by ep; Slouching Towards Bethlehem


The Good; Like Connor's vamp hunting and some of the humour with amnesiac CC especially Gunn refusing to be a sidekick (having been the Alpha-dog all summer). For me the Wes/Lilah stuff saves this ep for me.

The Bad; Much I'm afraid, especially the stupid looking client Gunn had in the hotel 5 minutes after he is unexpectedly back from Vegas. Also the vamp Connor sets on fire seems to burn very quickly compared to Dru and Darla who were soaked with a lot more petrol.

Best line: Amnesiac Cordy; "I was popular. Well no surprise there"

Apocalypses: 5

Angel Clichés In disguise; 8

DB get's his shirt off; 12

Cordy's tatt; twice, once when Angel pulls her off Lorne and once during the fight with WR&H's goons. 12

Fang Gang in bondage: Lorne seems to spend most of this season knocked out and tied up to something Cordy: 5 Angel: 12 Wes: 6 Gunn; 4 Lorne; 4 Fred; 2

Fang gang knocked out: poor old Lorne really seems to be getting it lately Cordy: 12 Angel: 15 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 1 Lorne; 4 Groo; 1

Kills: 2 vamps and a demon for Connor. At least one demon each for Gunn and Fred Cordy: 5 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 41 vamps, 57 and 1/2 demons, 8 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 12 demons+3 vamps, 2 humans Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 11 vamps+ 12 demons. Groo; 1 demon Fred; 3 vamp+ 1 demon Connor; 8 vamps and 2 demon

Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 2 Angel: 2 Gunn; 1 Wes; 1

Alternate Fang Gang: amnesiac CC Cordy: 3 Angel: 9 Fred; 1

Characters killed: 46

Recurring characters killed; 8;

Total number of Angel Investigations: not going to count Cordy just yet so 4 Angel, Gunn, Fred, Lorne

Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 11 Wes; 1

Packing heat; Wes; 6 Doyle; 1 Angel; 3 Gunn; 1

Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Cordy: 4 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis+Groo Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 3; Virginia, the bleached blonde and Lilah Gunn; 1 Fred Fred; 1 Gunn Groo; 1Cordy

Kinky dinky: Wes and Lilah at it again (doesn't she think to shower after sex?). I actually think the whole dollar thing is utterly charming. And of course Lilah's right, she played Wes but he betrayed her. Also in a sign of things to come Connor grabs one of CC's breasts in bed.

Captain Subtext; Lorne has been borrowing CC's lingerie for a 'friend'?

Know the face, different character; 4

Parking garages; 5,

Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony

Questions and observations; CC appears to think that she is actually a character in Alias which was Buffy's great rival at the time (but never came close despite Jennifer Garner's obvious loveliness and Amy Acker/Roger Moore guest starring). Gunn's fear of rats occurs again, Wes once again starts to take steps back into AI, it's actually Gunn who's more hostile to him than Angel (Wes can't help needling them about getting CC back only to immediately lose her again). Connor seems to be living quite well on the street but I guess if he survived Kortath (or however you spell it?) he can survive LA. And probably steals the vamp's stuff after killing them. He is lonely however and misses being part of AI. CC sings The Greatest Love of All which she also sang in Buffy's The Puppet Show. I freeze framed my DVD but unfortunately there's no one I recognise from SDH in CC's yearbook.

Love the fact that CC has a variety of designer crucifixes, to match any outfit? You'd think that Connor would have warned CC where he has put his traps? I missed it the first time around but Lilah's little look at the end when Wes wonders out loud why things always have to be so complicated, once again there's that little moment between them and you wonder if actually she might be thinking the same way? Unfortunately that aside this one hasn't improved with age.

Marks out of 10; 5/10 very static, stupid demon, Lilah and Wes and CC's performance largely saves this one for me.
