So ive finished watching the series on netflix, and was a bit disappointed with the finale... ive heard that there are the comic books that would answer my hunger of wanting to know what happened during the team angel vs the circle war. But one question that rly bothers me is Why did Lorne kill Lindsey? Did I miss something?
The finale has that disapointing effect at first, but then on rewatches and considering the themes of the show as a whole, it really shines as one of the best finales that a TV show has ever pulled off.
As for Lorne killing lindsey it was mostly because Angel told him to do it. Angel didn't want to risk Lindsey somehow surviving while everyone else died, because then he'd likley try to take over whatever incarnation of WR&H or its power that is left behind. In fact, Lorne said he heard Lindsey sing, so he knows that he was probably planning on a power play, as he always had.
As for the comics, I think the best way to look at them is like how Star Wars fans have to look at the extended universe which Disney made non-canon. If you want to explore more story, there's something there, but it almost certainly isn't anything like what we would have gotten in a season 6 on TV. Also the comics are still going on today, and Joss kinda jumped the shark several times writing the Buffy comic and then dragging Angel into it and assassinating his character a bit, so that kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That said I obviously follow them, becasue I'm a huge Angel fan. But I don't think many of the writers of the recent issues do a good job of capturing Angel's voice and character.
Read Angel after The fall then angel and faith season 9. Not sure why it is called season 9. Probably because there is a buffy season 9 that comes out at the same time.. but read buffy season 8 first