Ep by ep; Release
The Good; The Wes and Faith hurt/comfort scenes are excellent. The hunting of Angelus is magnificent.
The Bad; Wes' shotgun seems to contain an inordinate amount of shells?
Best line: Lorne "Mojo?" Fred "Nojo" also like; Vamp (as the daylight returns); "What the f...?"
Jeez, how did they get away with that? Hard to watch Faith all banged up and self harming in Wes' shower, you'd think Eliza naked in a shower would normally be cause for celebration but not this time. A magic shop owner badly beaten but at least alive, if this was Sunnydale he'd be a goner.
Apocalypses: 5
Angel Clichés In disguise; 8
DB get's his shirt off; 12
Cheap Angel; 6
Fang Gang in bondage: Cordy: 5 Angel: 13 Wes: 6 Gunn; 4 Lorne; 4 Fred; 2
Fang gang knocked out: Poor old Lorne and Connor knocked out, the latter assuming the classic Jesus pose. Cordy: 15 Angel: 16 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1 Gunn; 1 Lorne; 5 Groo; 1 Connor; 1
Kills; one vamp for Wes Cordy: 5 vamps, 3 demons Angel; 41 vamps, 57 and 1/2 demons, 5 zombies, 8 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 12 demons+4 vamps, 5 zombies, 2 humans Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 18 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans. Gunn; 11 vamps+ 13 demons, 5 zombies, 1 human. Groo; 1 demon Fred; 3 vamp+ 1 demon, 5 zombies Connor; 13 vamps, 5 zombies, 2 demons
Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 3 Angel: 3 Gunn; 1 Wes; 1
Alternate Fang Gang: Cordy: 4 Angel: 10 Fred; 2 Wes; 1 Gunn; 1
Characters killed: 255
Recurring characters killed; 9;
Total number of Angel Investigations: Angel, Gunn, Fred, Lorne, Wes, CC, Connor, Faith
Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 12 Wes; 1 Wes; 7 Doyle; 1 Angel; 3 Gunn; 2
Packing heat; Wes breaks out his shotgun Wes; 8 Doyle; 1 Angel; 3 Gunn; 1
Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Fred wants Gunn back but he turns her down. Connor is at least part demon meaning 4 out of CC's 5 lovers have been some form of supernatural creatures. Cordy: 5 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast+Phantom Dennis+Groo+Connor Angel: 5; Buffy, Darla and The Transcending Furies Wes; 3; Virginia, the bleached blonde and Lilah Gunn; 1 Fred Fred; 1 Gunn Groo; 1Cordy
Kinky dinky: Faith actually has the most unerotic shower scene for a beautiful woman in the history of TV. Apparently CC and Angelus both 'like to watch'. The demon declares he thought 'she was 18'. Faith refers to being 'spanked'. Angelus says 'That hurt. I liked it'. Wes refers to Sylvia Plath who wrote about the 'Electra complex' referring to Agamenon's relationship with his daughter in Greek mythology but also a term for girls' quest for a father figure throughout their lives (Buffy/Giles, Faith/Giles, Faith/The Mayor and finally here's Faith/Wes as the Watcher's Council always intended). Faith; "Screw you!" Angelus; "Maybe after! I like my girls to lie still" CC knocked up AGAIN! 3rd time in 5 years. Does she ever meet a demon she doesn't get impregnated by? Taboo Comics/Monsters and Angels anyone?
Captain Subtext; Angelus is told he's going to be the master's 'bitch' like the Beast. And so he is. "Master". The junkie in the vamp brothel thinks Faith is pretty and asks if she wants to make out? She seems tempted (maybe missing the communal soapings in the prison showers?). Wes says that the girl probably enjoyed Faith hitting her and says that Faith is still looking for some S&M punishment. Angelus refers to Wes as a 'ponce'.
Know the face, different character; 4
Parking garages; 6,
Guantanamo Bay; Faith and Wes torture their way through LA, he's so hardcore even she's outraged.
Buffy characters on Angel; 16 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla, Dru, The Master, Anne, Willow and Harmony
What the fanficcers thought; So what if Angelus had really turned Faith? A lot written on this idea but a sequel to them all has Faith's Slayer nature taking over and getting them both resouled.
Questions and observations; Fred's good with a tranquilizer gun but then she is from Texas. Her hair rather makes her look like Princess Leia. The one horned demon in the bar sounds an awful lot like Merle. How much of losing the fight is Faith faking? Faith is bitten by Angelus, Xander, Tara, Wes and Oz, the only Sunnydale Scoobies never to be bitten by a vampire.
What exactly is Angelus' plan for Faith if he sired her? Would she be the Dru to his Spike? Because he realises that he'll never see Darla again? Would he use her as a weapon to defeat Buffy? First time Faith is bitten by a vampire, some catching up to do with Buffy whose been bitten three times at this stage. Wes comments that his safety deposit is gone but I would suspect that was long departed what with him blasting a hole in the roof with his shotgun back in 'Epiphany'? Gunn quotes Xander's carpentry advice from I was made to love you, 'Measure twice, cut once'. I'd forgotten that he and Fred actually kissed, not just made eyes at one another.
I'm so into these run of eps that I just can't help watching one after the other, can't wait for the next.
Marks out of 10; 10/10 no question.