Things I hated about this film
In no particular order.
1. Not enough shark attacks
2. Too much generic conspiracy plot
3. "You mean the police are in on it too?"
4. Archive footage of sharks
5. Casper Van Dien
6. Casper Van Dien not getting eaten by a shark
7. No Nudity (all b-movies should have nudity)
8. The lack of appalling special effects
9. WTF was Ernie Hudson doing in this film?
10. The terrible chase scenes
11. The terrible fight scenes
12. The fact that i was expecting some ridiculously enormous shark to turn it's head and eat everyone.
13. The terrible ending, and the lack of some ridiculously enormous shark eating everyone.
I was expecting something so much better than this. Take the premise of the film: A bunch of crazy sharks terrorizing the beach and eating everyone, spurred on by some *beep* quest for money and someother *beep* just wants to use sharks to find a cancer cure.
How can you possibly *beep* this film up? By using archive footage of sharks that just looks terrible. Yes Jaws did the same thing but they had the decency to use a massive *beep* off model of a shark, and use it correctly. They could have easily used special effects (the box described the film as being "spiced with special effects") to make a huge shark but they were lazy.
Urgh, whatever. I'm gonna forget about this movie and hope for more from Shark Attack 2 and 3. Expect similar posts for those two films.