B grade nonsensical crap

I will skip the controversy surrounding this flick which i view as a sidefect of its quality. I have heard about the mediocrity of the movie from the review when it was released on the big screen. After reading through it, i found the film too boring to see in the cinema. But.. eventually the picture arrived to the screen of my local TV station, so among usual TV crap it was my best bet. So ... the cheesines of film was apparent right from the begginig. Fight in the jungle in Vietnam was so implausibly put that i wanted to switch the channel for i knew the rest will be crap too. Apart from the somewhat lame clothing of soldiers the actual fights were stupid too - soldiers not moving advancing or retreating, just firing wildly, the blood splattering, no tactics, no brain. SL Jackson was having his psycopath grin he has in his bad movies which was promising disaster and behaved way too weird, overacting or rather being overpissed playing terminator. Tommy Lee Jones was wooden, acting very badly and looked like old poor beggar not a brave soldier or a great actor he can be. When the stupid jungle incident ended and the cliche party and reunion scene passed the incident in the Arabic country appeared. They whole scene looked far more realistic than the beggining of the movie, but again Ben Kinglsey whom we meet here is (bad) and acting like jerk in a way only he knows. There is rather evident weak hand of the director who was supposedly letting actors play what they feel appropriate. Overally acting was very bad. So Lee Jackson comes to embassy calmly puts the overcrazed ambassador to copter, gives him flag and wishes farewell, plausible so far. Then he gets to the roof, where he gets shot, gets pissed and orders soldiers to fire. Now the officer replyies wheter they are supposed to fire into the crowd and LJ finally says the memorable quote "Lets waste those *beep* Consequently soldiers waste the crowd on the street. The rest of the movie I watched only with the desire to see the "truth" finally come out and what particually the truth in this film is. The premise of the movie is not quite bad, even when its somewhat weak to base film on, but what the hell we'll have another Few good men or something. Instead we have couple of very bad actors and crap story. The slaughter that happened is basically nonsense. First, as was drawn at the court later, soldiers should first give a warning to the crowd before they started shooting. Second, the main force of the enemies (only about 4 or 5 men with AKs) was on the roof(s) - thats where the soldiers should shoot. The footage and/or LJs memory later shows lots of people with weapons in the crowd, few children and even that little girl which lost her leg with a gun, which is only good for laughing because there apperead to be at most couple of shooters in the crowd if any, mainly people trowing stones - thats what we saw at the beggining. The footoage is totally made-up and i suppose director of the movie was so desperated that he made it in the postrpoduction to save the story. Only shooters who we see firing and hiting something could be seen on the roofs (maybe there were really some down the street but they would hit none of the soldiers covering on the roof of embassy). There is a lot space for analyzing, but the soldiers even if given order to shoot into crowd would at least shoot carrefully with aiming. Not fullauto "let's waste them". As i said i think the rest of the movie is just a stupid funereal march for a idiotic story premise. The court is uninventive. Tomy lee with his cheap digital camera on "vacation" to the crime scene is laughable. Poor victims don't trigger any emotions because its all too clumsy. Time machine refugee actor which name i forgot overacts badly. Secretary to the state is onedimensional badguy. Judge is nobody. Jury is made up of actors who just stare with a dull face. When the prosecutor finally drives the LJ to the confession that he ordered "wasting" the crowd nothing happens. Only supposedly highest officer in his squad is questioned and not enough. The Vietnamese officer brought up from past with greyed brows is giving this idiocy crown. Not only is very improbable he could be dug out from Vietnam after those years, and he wouldn't agree to confess behind american court! and his confession would be irrelevant (ommiting the Americans actually applied the waste'em policy in Vietnam and wouldnt care about some petty complaints from enemy) he in the end salutes the mean black (no rasism intended) ape killer king of the jungle while he walkes the stairs from the court ! Yeah i get thats tune played on note of the comradeship of soldiers and their honor, bravery, respect etc blahblah (crap), but OMG its so cheesily put. LJ feels warm at heart (i think that yet again cries - how lame) that the audience had appreciated his acting performance (err.. that the people support his cause) and i thank gosh for the end titles.
