"Saw the movie on TV2 here in Norway just minutes ago and I also found it strange that the soldiers didn't take out the snipers on the roof first - they could be able to protect themselves from the crowd. Isn't it possible to take out a sniper at that distance? Do Marines have oculars on their weapons?"
While lying on your back behind a one-foot wall, it would be difficult to locate a sniper. Yes, it is possible to take out a sniper at that distance (seemed to be less than 150 yards). Currently, the Marines are in the middle of deploying the ACOG optical sight for active duty field Marines, however in the movie their M16s do not have optics. Nor would they really need them in this case, as Marines are trained early in boot camp to be marksmen, more detailed explanation below.
"I don't get why they didn't just fire tear gas into the crowd. At the point I was watching, it had stopped being a demonstration, and had turned into a riot. Fire tear gas and a crowd will dispurse in a little time."
Military operations do not use tear gas very often, and when a crowd of hundreds of people is firing upon an embassy with automatic weapons, it can be assumed that they are more threatening than your standard riot.
"now practical matters why they did not fire on the snipers first. A sniper by definition is a guy holding a sniping sun ( which usualy has a range of over 2K miles). And marine assault rifle like M16 which used by marines just cannot reach him since the effective range of an M16 is less tham 200mters"
"And also i believe you will find that under all conditions that the confirmed target range on an M16 is approximately 200 meters."
The "snipers" on the rooftops were not using sniper rifles (of which, in use by the US, the M14 is capable to 1400 yards and the various Barrett .50-cals are capabale to 2000 yards), they were using AK rifles. As far as an M16's maximum range being only 200 yards, I suggest you tell that to the Marines, who are required to pass marksmanship tests halfway through boot camp, which means being scored on targets at 200, 300, and 500 yards. With iron sights, no optics.
"but the peace people below (innocent) will run away for they safety.Women and children will be survive."
They are not "peace people." They are firing weapons and throwing molotov cocktails without provocation at the sovereign territory of an embassy, which is the same as attacking another country on their soil in international law. The women and children who participated in firing weapons at the embassy are just as guilty as the snipers on the rooftops. You ignored a number of scenes in the movie that depict this situation. If you will recall the final flashback, the Marines did not just open fire at random, but targeted specific individuals (those with weapons), as you can see people at various points in the crowd fall, with the people around them not being hit, and being able to flee.