Bit of both. I was a fan of his books prior to the announcement that he would be switching to Dem and running for the Senate.
I highly, highly recommend his book BORN FIGHTING: HOW THE SCOTS-IRISH SHAPED AMERICA (non-fiction) as well as what I've read thus far of FIELDS OF FIRE (fiction, his first novel about Vietnam), the gruesome contents of which earned some flak from George Allen and Lynne Cheney as reflective of his character.
But the fact that he switched to Dem to challenge Allen ... yes, that pleased me too. I'm an Independent, but I consider myself left-of-center (at least economically). More importantly, I feel that the Democrats need to take over the legislative branch in order to bridle the excesses of this Administration, something which the far-right DeLays and the Santorums have proven flaccid at doing.
He's a Democrat, but he's also a Democrat I am comfortable with unlike the "pro-life" Senator-elect Casey from Pennsylvania: he's an economic and somewhat social moderate (pro-choice, pro-stem cell research, pro-gay rights though not for marriage). He's a supporter of the Second Amendment; if the Dems ever want to win a national election, they will have to stop trying to make it seem like they want to take people's guns away.