
In the scene where Jones is accepting his retirement all the men were wearing green uniforms making me think they were army. As you find out later Jones and Jackson are marines. Arn't marine uniforms blue untucked with the white hat?


Lorenzo D. You were thinking of the traditional U.S. Marine Corps
dress uniform which is blue top & slacks with white
peaked hat. The pants have a red stripe down both
legs which is worn by ranks E-4 (corporal) and above
including officers. The green uniform you referred
to is what is known as service dress A uniform
worn by both officers and enlisted men. This one is
worn traditionally in fall and winter at all marine
bases. And one more fact of note, the dress blue
uniform is reserved for semi-formal and formal
occassions including parades and ceremonies and
other official marine corps functions. The movie
scene depicting the colone's retirement showed all
off the men wearing the service dress uniform
and this retirement party would not have required
the marines to wear the dress blues.

Lorenzo Sunny Florida
