What about bullet holles?

Main question trough whole trial was: Was U.S. embassy under fire? Everybody seems to struggle to answer this, without asking for major clue: Are there any bullet holes on building?

If building was under fire there would be many bullet holes around, right?

For some reason nobody ever asks or getting interested to search for bullet holes and solve the case easily? Why is that? Or is this one big plot hole??


Did you really watch the film?. It was brought up and mentioned. Nobody questioned if they were under attack since there obviously were bullet holes (atleast from the snipers on the rooftops). The question was if the crowd on the ground level was firing or not.


True.. although that makes me think - could those 300 bullet holes be investigated to locate their sources' positions?


It could have, but they only gave a week or so to investigate. You'd need a forensic type investigator to come up with such a thing. Especially for the positions to hold up in court.

The defense attorney also was said several times to not be that good. Once he got to Yemen, he would have to have had a forensic guy found, and agree to go to Yemen.

I think the time constraints involved are the main reasons that the investigation was so crappy.
