WHO directed this? Dubya?

A ridiculous yet deliciously curious attempt to re-create the complexity of the current human drama. A fine portrait of our truly Christ-less “democratic“ empire.

I’d like to see a current day movie about Sgt. Macario Garcia, the WWII hero that was almost thrown out of a bar in East Texas for not being Caucasian.

Unfortunately, White supremacy, and its good buddy the threat of doomsday, will never go away unless something incredible happens to the ENTIRE human race.

The more I learn about the world, through news of fiction, the more I have to stress that Jesus wasted his time with us.

"You look like the Devil..."
"Well, you don't look so good yourself, dear".


CombatReview, you ROCK. If I'd known 1/thousandth of what I know now about imperialism/capitalism 20 years ago, I would have vomited my high-school cafeteria portion every single weekday. Literally!

You seem to know your history and know it well. I don't. But I know this. Pure science and true spirituality CAN be friends, and TOGETHER ONLY they can solve many of our species' problems. Nihilism seems to be the only viable alternative.

I trust by now you've visited the PASSION OF THE CHRIST board. I am VERY interested in your "spiritual" ideas, unless you happen to be atheistic.

I honestly don't know how you put up with some of the kids on this thread. "Let's show the world exactly what a WMD IS!" ??? Normally I wouldn't risk getting carpal tunnel over idiots like this.

P.S. I went to college with hundreds of Muslims and Hindus, and not ONE attempted to impose their beliefs on me.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist". (1995)


Marines were posted to Yemen in this film because there is an attack on American civilians and on the American Embassy. What does that have to do with imperialism?

We've all seen news photographs of crowds of people in every country getting riled up - and attacking people. How is that imperialism?

We've all read the sermons (usually published weekly in the Middle East Media Research Institute site - MEMRI) that call for people to kill Americans. That part of the film -- the audio tapes of the person calling for jihad -- is utterly realistic.

This is a film in which a black soldier and a white former soldier work together to prevent injustice - how is that racist? This is nutty.


"This is a film in which a black soldier and a white former soldier work together to prevent injustice - how is that racist? This is nutty. "

Right, because if a movie doesn't show discrimination specifically against African Americans, there's no way it can be racist against ANYBODY, right?

See, here's the thing -- since the movie is fiction, it's allowed to make up the terms of the conflict to be any way the writers and directors want. That's the way stories work. These guys wanted to show how blameless Americans are and how scary Arabs are, so they got to make up a story where instead of having some dangerous, violent jihadists and a bunch of peaceful, frustrated people, they made the choice to portray a gun in the hands of every man, woman and child. And they get to pick the ending. Again, that's the way movies work.

It's just your job as the viewer to decide if the filmmakers' view of the world jibes with you own, and if you like the flick.

And myself -- even if I didn't find this particular view to be downright loathsome, I'd have to admit that it seems like a pretty crappy movie, full of plot holes and really lazy scriptwriting. They had a chance to work on some really good questions about war, and they muffed it by making the ending totally black and white. TLJ and Sam Jackson deserve a hell of a lot better.

By the way, although I think this film is jam packed with shameful, bald-faced racism against Arabs, it was really lazy racism -- it wasn't the point of the movie. They wanted to highlight the blamelessness of all things American --while also resolving some lingering bad feelings about Vietnam-- and they needed some convenient all-purpose bad guys to stick in there -- a group most people feel comfortable despising without thinking too hard about it. So who do you pick? Naturally, those crazy, crazy Muslims. That's where the racism comes in.


Have they got you believing all islamists are the same?
There is No "research" done by the MEMRI - all of their work is intended to promote prejudice against their hated, rival religionists, the islamists. They lead people to believe there should be a continuous war against the middle easterners because none of them see israel as a good thing. That includes christian arabs too (because they look like muslims).

I'd say they do a good job of programming if their followers cant recognize racism against innocent muslims when its plain obvious. They cant see the obvious because they've come to accept disrespecting those people as "appropriate". (Kill em all if they cant be sorted out.)

Similarly, many southerners in the 1950's didn't believe their system was racist either - it was just appropriate and right for the races to have their own drinking fountains, eateries, hoods, etc, and shouldn't mix with whites. They didn't believe this was anything negative.
Their offspring would most likely subscribe to the media research (Not) group today.

"Death, has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war."
Donald Rumsfeld


WHO directed this? Dubya?

No, but ironically, it was written by Senator James Webb.


Yeah, and Senator Jimmy was no friend of Dubya either...but he IS a huge friend of the USMC.



Paco...seriously...put down the bong, take a shower and go get a real job.


William Friedkin. Director of The Exorcist.

As well as The French Connection. And To Live and Die in L.A. And Bug. Among a bunch of other just-plain-awesome movies. So you can all STFU.
