MovieChat Forums > Rules of Engagement (2000) Discussion > The First Time I Have Ever Rated a Movie...

The First Time I Have Ever Rated a Movie ONE.

It was that horrible. Very racist and islamofobic, as well as justifying killing children and women!? And that girl with the leg, how do even you react to that story.. It was just so farfetch'd, didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. It was AWFUL. shame on James Webb for writing this movie. It is a moral abomination and it should have never been made.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off, was convincing the world he doesn't exist


But I don't see like that, I'll not justfying anything.

This movie shows the way that american people think about the arab people and shows a little the way that arab people think about american people. Well, I mean they have something in common they hate and worst each other.

I understood the message of this film this way the US has prejudice to the arab people and vice versa and many, many military and civilian people died because they are stupid.

Roberta Trevisan
"Film lovers are sick people"
"Till The Angels Say Amen"



Bullsh it! I myself rated this a one. Not because i love arabs but because it's plain dumb movie.

