Coruscant or not???

Let me start by saying that I really liked this movie, but felt it cheap to see the re-used scenes from Armageddon and Starship Troopers, the film could easely have managed without.

When I saw the ships flying through the night city, I could'nt help thinking thinking of Coruscant from SW.......Any one else?
Not saying that it was exactly the same, but that it looked pretty similar.

Greedy Greedo



In the beginning of the movie Gery Sinise tells about the plot and we see clips of the alien attack on earth. We see a quick shot of an asteroid crashing through the window of Grand Central Station in New York + asteroids or missiles flying through the street between buildings....


Same costumes for Imposter were used in Starship Troopers :)


Some scenes came out of Gattaca as well, from reading the trivia. While watching this movie, something in the back of my mind kept saying, "Haven't you seen this before?" There was a lot of recycling going on. Kinda ruins the whole experience.
And also, why was everything so wet?


I didn't realise or even mind that some 'bits' were re-used from other films. It make sense to do that if your on a tight budget. We've all seen stock footage in old films, and half the time it was completely obvious and didn't fit with the rest of the film. At least these days it's totally seamless, and it's just a keen eye and a good memory that can distinguish!
