HOrribly directed

I am sorry, I loved the 6 page short story, but this movie sucked so bad. I was worse than Paycheck...which is another PKD short story that I looove. Gary Fleder is not a good director at all. I mean how do guys like this get work, anyone can direct in that immature style.


I agree that this film was a huge let down. Terribly directed, ripped off footage and costumes from Starship Troopers, some very cheap special effects, bad script...

But you'll never convince me it was worse than Paycheck. That movie seriously sucked!


Paycheck is a great movie. Period.



i could not stand all the slow mos! was driving me crazy! very poor production i thought.


Yeah it wasn't the best direction I've ever seen. Then again it wasn't the worst either, but it was a reason the film is flawed, along with the drawn-out middle section. Should really have been a forty or so minute short as originally intended. But I still like it quite a bit, and it is a good science-fiction film.

"We may be trapped."
