MovieChat Forums > Impostor (2002) Discussion > Something that bothered me...

Something that bothered me...

at the beginning of the film when the narration is going on about the war and such, clips from Starship Troopers and Armageddon were spliced into the scenes. I dont know if they ran short of cash to produce their own special effect sequences or what but considering those effects that they took were better than the effects used in the film, i just feel it cheapened the movie a bit. From what i remember though, the film had a rough start to begin with and was delayed for awhile and almost shelved at one point..a shame cuz it couldov been a good sci fi flick.
At least its not as bad as Space Mutiny, basically stealing footage from Battlestar Galactica and putting it in a cheesy sci fi "epic".



I think the soldiers uniform were also from Starship troopers lol


They were taken from starship troopers :)

at least the armor suits

after i saw that, it kinda lowered my interest in this movie.. dunno why


Also at some point I heard old recordings from Nazi rallies.

I distinctly heard "Sieg heil!" being chanted several times.

I found it very odd and misplaced.

It was like 10-12 minutes into the film when Gary Sinises character is arrested via electrical shocks. He dreams of sex, weird doctors, ESA soldiers and Nazi rallies.

Is the director trying to tell us Dick's Centurians were National Socialists?



Dick was a strange guy and did you notice there is a rocket taking off near the beginning from Gattacca
