MovieChat Forums > Impostor (2002) Discussion > D'Nofrio made this film.

D'Nofrio made this film.

Senise is a good actor, but DNofrio is so entertaining. "Idiot cricles" I have to believe he made that one up on the spot. Very funny!


i completely agree, the movie wold not beso good without D'onofrio's performance!


Well my pretties,

I agree whole heartedly, that Mr D'Onofrio does have the best part in the film, and that he gets the better lines, and he acts all the others off the screen. Guess why............. Cos he is a better actor!

And its not just him. Read Tommy Lee Jones in the Fugitive, similar character, same set up, same higher profile actor to chase, but still gets the better lines, and comes off looking better.

I quite like these cat and mouse films, and I hadnt heard of Impostor, although I am a big Philip K Dick Fan. It isnt one of his best short stories, as my favorite is "The Day Mr Computer Fell Out Of His Tree". But they didnt do such a bad job with this one.

When the solution is simple, God is answering........................


Monsieur d'Onofrio is a very good actor. I don't have cable, so I don't see him in the TV show "Law&Order: Criminal Intent" too often. But, a really good example of his acting (and a great movie if you can find it) is"The Whole Wide World", in which Rene Zellweger (another very fine performer) co-stars. It's a beautiful story.

drmorbius2, a good site for PK Dick fans--if you haven't already discovered it---is You can even vote for your favorite short story there, as I recall.


Hi there JinJin4,

I am a big PK Dick fan, but I have to admit that I only became one after seeing Total Recall, (Please dont hit me!) and I saw that it was taken from "We can Remember It For You Wholesale".

I have all the short story compilations now, pride of place next to my hardback Lord of the Rings, and Charles Dickens books.

Dont you think though, that Dick suffers from what I like to Call the King Syndrome? Only a few of Stephen Kings novels transfer, (Or are well transfered) to film? IE The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me. In Dicks case the only two which have made it big, and have taken a hugh licence with the source material are Blade Runner, and Minority Report.

If you like PKD then why not try "Spares" by Michael Marshall Smith, it cant quite make its mind up to be a detective or sci fi book, but its good. And I beleive that Speilberg has the film rights........

be seeing you


I dunno about the Dick/King comparison. Well, first of all I would tend to disagree, maybe you weren't around but "Blade Runner" was a complete bomb at the box office and nobody talked about it much until about 10 years later, while "Total Recall" was a huge hit, probably the 2nd biggest hit of Arnold Schwartzenegger's career after "T2." So you said something like that the only 2 which made it big were BR and MR both of which took a lot of liberties with the source material, but "Recall" was actually a huge hit and if you watch the film and then read the story you'll find it actually closer to the source material than any of these that we're talking about.

"Shawshank Redemption" and "Stand By Me" are also actually very close to the original King novellas. "Misery" was a big box office hit and got an Oscar for Kathy Bates, so in the sense of popular acceptance that was probably the biggest hit at the time of its release of all the King movies as far as I can tell. "Shawshank" has become more popular as time goes on but wasn't particularly huge at the box office. "The Shining" did very well I think but I've never looked at the numbers.

Quite a lot of the King movies made a lot of money actually, so maybe what you meant was that only "Blade Runner" and "Minority Report" along with King's "Shawshank" and "Stand" are widely respected. Hopefully you're wrong because I thought "Minority Report" was pretty disappointing in a lot of ways. I actually remember a bunch of people dozing off in the theater when I saw it. Bad sci fi, decent action movie. I didn't know or don't know if it had or has a good reputation with critics but I don't think it was ever up for any Oscars outside of technical categories.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'



thanks for the info. I must not be getting all the messages about responses to my posts. I see your post is from 2005!!

I do think some of PKD's novels don't do well on film. Blade Runner was outstanding in my opinion, whereas Minority Report was just another Spielberg movie.

I shall have to look for "Spares". 'have to read it before I see the Spielberg version, if there is one.


Monsieur d'Onofrio is a very good actor. I don't have cable, so I don't see him in the TV show "Law&Order: Criminal Intent" too often. But, a really good example of his acting (and a great movie if you can find it) is"The Whole Wide World", in which Rene Zellweger (another very fine performer) co-stars. It's a beautiful story.

drmorbius2, a good site for PK Dick fans--if you haven't already discovered it---is You can even vote for your favorite short story there, as I recall.

Dude, D'Onofrio is amazing in L&O: Criminal Intent, you should watch it. He basically carries that show...

And i thought Whole Wide World sucked... =\


Right back at you Ultrachronic...........

I've been a D'Onofrio fan for some time (As you will see if you check out the board for him)

Ive seen the site thanks matey, I haven't voted for my fave as I can really choose an all time fave. But thanks anyhow.

Never seen the Whole Wide World.... but as you say L&O CI is a big heap of gold plated gold!

Be Seeing You


the whole wide world is simply beautiful, vincent did one of his finest performances. i also watch law & order: criminal intent and yes he's great. He understand his characters effortless. He's unique and i love his eccentricity.




DAMN, Hathaway is so badass!!


I can't stand makes me work too hard. But I loved VDO in The Impostor. He did have a great role, and he looked mighty fine.


Lol Well, D'Onofrio makes every film.


I'll second this 3 years old recommendation for "Whole Wide World" -- D'Onofrio totally blew me away, and I'm a huge Robert Howard fan so I'm very demanding. He fulfilled my hopes as a fan and he also gave a performance that made for really compelling drama no matter if you know about Bob Howard or not. That was an early film from Zellweger and I've always liked her since, she was great in it.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


I have to agree, he was awesome in this film, and I think Sinise is great in whatever he does, too. And how can anyone not be in love with Madeleine Stowe? I felt so bad for that character at the end, even given the story.

Excellent Philip K. Dick story, and well done.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here! - The Dude


I agree VDO always gives 110% and always gives a mesmeric interpretation of every character he plays.

Any film he is in is always worth watching even just to see his performance.


I respect your opinion, I just personally dislike D'Nofrio. Not sure what it is about him but I can't stand him. I like Sinise a lot though.
