MovieChat Forums > Impostor (2002) Discussion > Gaping Plot Hole (with potential SPOILER...

Gaping Plot Hole (with potential SPOILER)

I just Netflixed this film, and it was ok, but I wouldn't watch it again, nor would I own it, because the basic premises of the plot don't make sense to me.

The explosion of the replicant was visible from space, right? And the needle-ship that brought the explosive replicant to earth was able to penetrate the defensive domes, right? So why waste all this time making them into robots that think they are humans. Why not just bombard the Earth with these needleships and cause massive explosions inside previously protected domes?

It seems like an overly convoluted plot for an objective that could be much more easily done. Many films suffer from this, but in this case, it seems even worse.



Actually, the 'needle-ship' crash landed outside of the domes, Sinise and his wife were camping in the area during the same weekend. They were unaware of the Centauri's 'hit list', so they didn't have any reason to be more cautious than usual. This was briefly mentioned early on, when Sinise was talking to Shaloub... Shaloub even made some sort of comment relating to the dangers of roughing it outside of the domes followed by a 'surprised, you guys didn't see the fire'.

