
On the show on Weds 06-26-2024 there was a question something like: "This evil queen introduced Baal worship to Samaria".

And the answer was Jezabel.

Since the question only mentions one thing which Jezabel did, watchers might get the impression that introducing Baal worship was what made Jezabel evil. So people might get the idea that someone is evil if they introduce their religon into a foreign land. I'd like to see a question which implies that Bertha of Kent was an evil queen for introducing Christianity at the court of her husband King Aethelberht of Kent, for example.

It is claimed that Baal worship involed human sacrifce, so maybe the writers of the question believed that Jezabel was evil because she promoted human sacrifice. In which case the the question should have been something like: "This evil queen introduced human sacrfice to Samaria".
