What's Matt Amodia

Eraserhead? (actually that might not be fair, I think Eraserhead was the creature at the end of the movie not the actor in the movie)

Anyway, I don't think there's ever been a contestant who has exclusively used "what's" in their responses.

Maybe they should have a rule that the response has to be appropriate to the clue.


"What" is technically accurate, as in what is the answer?


Technically yes.


I agree it's clunky, but I've gotten used to it. In any case, he said by answering all questions as "what", it's some sort of way of keeping his concentration on the questions and not diverting his thought process to forming for each type of answer. Honestly, I don't see it but the guy's kicking ass and he's a lot more learned than I am, so who am I to question him?


> it's some sort of way of keeping his concentration on the questions and not diverting his thought process to forming for each type of answer

Yeah, that's my take on it too.

> the guy's kicking ass and he's a lot more learned than I am

He's from Ohio originally but they introduce him as a PhD student from New Haven, CT, so he must be studying at Yale. Impressive! I wonder what field he's doing his doctorate in?


According to Yale's website, his doctorate would be in Machine Learning and AI.


Yeah, it occurred to me after I posted that to just Google and find out. I didn't know Yale has him on its web site, though. Well, they've got good reason to be proud of him.


He's amazing. I've seen him buzz in when he doesn't have the answer at the tip of his tongue and it looks like he's going to drop one, but then he'll reach deep and pull the answer out. I wouldn't buzz in unless I had the answer ready, which is another reason I wouldn't win most Jeopardy matches.

Also, have you noticed that he seems to lose concentration for minute or so? It seems in almost every game there will be 5 or 6 questions in a row he won't buzz in on for questions you would almost bet he would know.


I seem to remember that at least once someone responded with "Is it....? "

Might have been during one of the celebrity tournaments.


Matt is now a millionaire! Rebecca ended with -$4000. I guess they're gonna garnish her wages 🙂

