The costumes

I consider this film to be a cut above 'Gone With The Wind,' mainly because there are some very realistic touches about the brutality of war.

However, the one jarring aspect of the production that makes me cringe is Nicole Kidman's wardrobe. She truly is dressed to look her best, not to look authentic for that period in history. Everyone else in the cast dresses appropriately.

The scene at the end of the movie - would a woman of that era wear stylish black that showed her form? I don't think so. Rene Zellweger wearing pants is a whole other story: they are baggy, she is layered with clothing and so she seems almost shapeless. I think that's probably the way a woman of that time would have dressed if she work trousers.


I don't think the costumes were off. One has to remember that Ada was from a rather wealthy family and that those clothes were the clothes she had. I don't know if they were totally realistic (I'm pretty sure they were, though. I have a hard time imagining they'd fact up on their leading character's costumes), but I'd definitely argue that it makes sense she looks pretty good in the clothes.

Plus, I thought she didn't "look her best" all the time. Especially not in the church scene later in the film, as well as the scenes when she's working the fields with Zellweger.
And the Oscar goes to... by a nose, NICOLE KIDMAN!


I consider this film to be a cut above 'Gone With The Wind

Let's not even put GWTW and this movie in the same sentence. Do you honestly think people will be watching CM in 70 years' time like we do GWTW?

As to costumes, the costumes had to look very well on Nicole's lovely figure, at least at the beginning of the movie. Because you had to believe that Inman was desperate and determined to return to this very beautiful woman. There is no sense in the movie if you don't believe that. (Doesn't matter what Renee worn, she is not the heroine of the movie.)

What I liked about Nicole's costumes was that they appeared later on in harsher times, cut down or worn under pants. The dresses were changed, but one could still recognize them from better times.


For some reason, Teague CONSTANTLY reminded me of Captain Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribbean. Constantly.


Teague's Australian-looking leather hat has always bothered me.
