I loved this movie

I finally had the chance to watch this movie and loved it.

I loved it as much as the English patient but in a different way, both films have their advantages over the other.

In terms of cast and story both are equally good
The Relationship between Almasi and Catherine stars more like lust and passion meanwhile with Ada and Einman it's more about a very healthy love at first sight and their moments they spent together its what keeps them strong during their time apart.

The advantages for The English Patient over Cold mountain well it's obviously that Ralph Fiennes and KSt had much better chemistry than Nicole Kidman and Jude Law
And their love scenes were much better shot with much more class and taste meanwhile the love scene in cold mountain looked a bitt too much, a bitt tasteless

The advantage for Cold Mountain was the peace of the film and it was more accessible to all audiences.

So I give both a 10/10 for different reasons or better say actors
In the English patient I loved Ralph Fiennes he became my number 1 crush since I watched this film and from Cold Mountain I love Nicole Kidman who is one of my favorite actresses ever.


This was a great film. Just as good as The English Patient, even though it didn't swamp the Oscars the way that film did. I was really happy for Renee Zellwegger when she won.

