Which of the girls would you be friends with?
Which of the girls would you want to be friends with?
All four of them had their merits and their bad sides. I personally would be friends with Miranda. I loved her cynicism and her straight forwardness. Yes, she was a bit judgmental, but she also showed she really cared about her friends. When she walked behind Charlotte for example, when she found out she had a low chance at pregnancy.
Samantha seems like a lot of fun, but she also seemed like a fair weather friend. If you didn't fit into her lifestyle anymore she would ditch you, like pushing Miranda into the cab after she had a baby. I know there were also times were she cared, she did babysit Brady eventually, but this is just a vibe I got from her.
Carrie is also fun, but she's also a bit self-obsessed. I don't know if I could deal with her talking about her own problems and completely ignoring yours.