Saddam's sex toy

It cracks me up that depite the many battles with the MPAA over the rating of this movie, Matt and Trey slipped in an actual photo of an erect penis on the screen. Yes folks, that dildo that Saddam waves at Satan is an actual pornographic far this is the only R-rated movie to show an actual hard d**k, not an obviously fake one like Scary Movie.
Don't believe me? Watch the blu-ray.


Saddam, that is just inappropriate!


That’s very interesting. Do you know whose dick it is? I wonder it they got royalties.


Matt Stone wanted to use a photo of his own dick, but he got shouted down and they just clipped one from a porno. No word of whose it was... so they probably snuck in some copyright infringement (can you copyright a boner?) in addition to getting a real cock shot into their cartoon.

Get on up.


It was my dick! OK, so, who wants to touch me?
