Parental reaction reflection

I haven't seen the film in a while, I'm 22 now (meaning I was 11 when I saw it in theaters) but one thing that hit me IMMEDIATELY was how relevant it was. I made the mistake of taking my Dad with me and my friends, hey - he could get us in! An adult!

He absolutely hated the movie, he was outraged and he tried to ban me from South Park all together.

Ironically, the SAME reaction the parents had to the Terrence and Philip movie.

Part of me has to wonder if they knew some parents would react like that, thus commenting upon it.


I wouldn't say it was ironic more just proving the point the film makers were making to begin with.

"if you have to ask you are not ready to know" - Phone Booth


Ironically, the SAME reaction the parents had to the Terrence and Philip movie.

Part of me has to wonder if they knew some parents would react like that, thus commenting upon it.

Errr, yeah.

The basic plot of the movie is taken from an earlier episode they did called Death. Where the parents try to get T&P banned, and they get so caught up in what their kids are watching and the whole idea of banning the TV show that they end up neglecting their kids.
The movie is just an overblown version of this episode.

Now, T&P were created by Matt & Trey as this is how most "parents" saw SP as just a TV show about fart gags. T&P are Matt & Trey from the point of view of parents (at the time).

but one thing that hit me IMMEDIATELY was how relevant it was

True, which is why the movie worked so well as it was reflecting the real world reaction the TV show was creating at the time.
Also why they can never do another movie, as you can't hit that reaction again.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I don't blame people being outraged when they believe it's a kids film. But that's a mistake, it's not a kids film and kids shouldn't watch it. It's for grown ups and we can watch whatever want.


Dude I was 7 years old when this movie came out and my mom and her boyfriend took me to see it and I think the first Scary Movie at the drive in theater when it came out. I was way too young to even understand half of the humor, I just liked the dirty words and the funny voices.

Parents shouldn't worry all too much. It's better for their development than what Disney and Nick are giving them, that's for damn sure.


I would differenciate between Disney animated features and the rest of disney.

There are many sick deaths and motivs in those movies...... Little Mermaid gave me nightmares when I was 5. It was still my favorite movie back then :)


LOL I just remember how the first 3 minutes of the movie my dad was like "Hmm, IDK why I was so worried about taking you to this movie" and then the second Terrence and Philip started singing. His face dropped. He wanted to take me out of the movie and I was like "Dad! Remember our agreement!" I was 9 years old. When I saw the trailer I told my dad I would mow the lawn for free every week until the movie came out if he swore to take me to it. There were a lot of times he laughed but tried not to. Haha it was so funny how at first it was like a kids cartoon and then BAM Asses of Fire followed by " shut your *beep* face uncle *beep* "


I was hiding my VHS copy for years so my parents wouldn't watch it.


I was nine or ten when it came out. I remember my parents or at least my father absolutely hating the movie and refusing to let me watch it. Well, it didn't really matter anyway, since everybody in the school sang the songs. The plot of the movie basically got copied in real life. Good times.
