Could this work on stage?

As a big, stage musical? Trey Parker and Matt Stone proved they could bring the style of humour to great success on stage with Book of Mormon (a girl I know is even in the West End production!)

Do you think they could do it with an adaptation of this. I mean I think it's got hte oppertunity for some killer visuals especially the contrast between South Park, Canada, hell and heaven. Plus you could always hire teengae/young adult actors to play the kids if there's a decency issue raised about getting child actors in to do it. They do it with Blood Brothers.

So what do you think? Could you see South Park on Broadway?

beauty freedom love truth


I would pay to see this.


I bet they could they do it, but there will be a lot of planning to do and plus the time to do it, even when South Park is in season where they are doing new episodes. If they wanted to do like other animated movies that has been done as a stage musical like the Disney animated movies that have been the big ones, they would have to write more songs for the stage version, as this movie runs 81 minutes which includes the end credits. And you are right, cause pretty much it would have to be teen or even adult actors to play the childrens' roles which would be Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Ike and Cartman, plus it it is also many it is Cartman that does most of the swearing for the kids, even through some of the other does as well. But there is a lot of process that they would have to do to get ready to present this on Broadway, they would have to do readings of this, and also have it play outside of New York City in an out of town preview. In another big city like Chicago, or San Francisco. I mean it would be very rare if at the first preview performance that it would be deemed 100% prefect and that nothing will need to be changed. They may have to make chances in the storyline, or cut songs if they are decided that it is not working and replace it with another song. And once it gets on Broadway will it be a hit like Book of Mormon and other shows like Wicked, how do you think Wicked got to be the way it is today? And what will they do when it comes time when Cartman gets the V Chip in him, how will they handle that one?


I have always wondered this. When I listen to the soundtrack cd I imagine a stage musical in my head, even.



It's been done onstage in colleges. Look on YouTube.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.
