MovieChat Forums > South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) Discussion > 100 things the South Park movie has taug...

100 things the South Park movie has taught us

1. Phillip is a pig *beep* because, first of all, he *beep* pigs
2. Kyle's mom is the biggest bitch in the whole world, and even kids in Africa will attest to that
3. Muslims are right about heaven containing 72 virgins
4. Canadians look like poorly animated paper dolls
5. Saddam Hussein is gay, super horny, and even more evil than Satan himself
6. The population of hell is 13 trillion and steadily rising
7. "Barbara Streisand" is the foulest word in the English language
8. American soldiers like being entertained by flaming homosexuals
9. If you get in trouble in school, they send you to the counselor rather than the principal or dean
10. The U.N. building has a skull and crossbones flag in front of it
11. Canadians like to say "buddy" alot
12. Liza Menelli has a huge red ass


13. you can set a fart on fire

x-men 4 script:


14. candains are funny but we shouldn't make fun of them
15. "pissed" is a swear word


16. Kyles mom is a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair
17. What exactly Brian Boitano WOULD Do
18. That Canada isn't even A real country anyway

you're the five people I'm going to meet in HELL!


19. If you have a V chip and you get an electric shock, you become as powerful as Neo.


I learned what's a butt for ...

for pooping, silly.


167. Hell isn't a swear word
168. Kenny almost always goes to hell when he dies




The Emancipation Proclamation is hip hop

"Those aren't ideas! They're just special effects!"

"I...I don't understand the difference"


21. The sound a giraffe makes when it's dying.
22. If you want chicks, find the clitoris
23. And be confident
24. The french are good at revolutions
25. Punch and pie is a sure fire way to attract people to an event
26. Everything is super when you're gay
27. If you don't want to spend your life addicted to crack homeless on the streets giving hand jobs for cash, just say mmmkay



30. Satan is more naive than Butters.


...AWWW *beep*


31. Saddam Hussein is a sandy little butthole, but
32. He can change, he can change.

Get out of the chair, dillhole!
~A.A. Milne~


33. Making threds like these is lame


34. Someone who doesn't know when to lighten up is lame.


okay...i'm gunna disregard those last two...

33. Saddam Hussein randomly carries around fake dicks.
34. It was Cartman's filthy *beep* mouth that saved the world.

btw its on right now =D lol


35. Satan is a flaming homosexual.
36. Heaven is filled with big-breasted women.
37. Kyle's mom is a b****.
38. When someone accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potatoe you have tree seconds to live.
39. Blame Canada.


40. Never make a bet with Cartman.


41. We shouldn't say *beep* no we shouldn't say *beep* *beep* NO!


42: Winona Ryder does a ping pong ball trick.
43: Deplorable violence is okay as long as it doesnt have naughty language

Step aside a**hole
Seth Gecko ; From dusk till dawn


44. George Clooney is still a crap doctor, just like on e.r.

his cappa was de-tated from his head!


45. Gregory is a posh twat who wants to be like Gerard Butler in 300
46. If you want to make a woman like you more than any other guy, you've just got to find the clitoris


47. Kenny dies and he's blond.
48. If you wanna know if you're mom ever did a German schaisse movie, just ask her before you go to sleep.


49. Kyle is the best computer hacker in the world.
50. Anything that features Kenny in a lead role is brilliant.


51.Brooke Shields once farted on the set of Blue Lagoon.


52. without evil there could be no good, so it must be good 2 be evil sometimes
53. a** spelunkers eat penguin sh*t
54. we also learn exactly what a rim job is

this is my signature(not to be confused with your signature)


55. Jew is an "F" word.
56. Nobody f'cks uncles quite like YOU

They will play what I tell them to play...for I am the mayor of Alberkerky!


57. Canadians are all the same with their beedy little eyes and flapping heads.
58. Terrance's face smell's like Philips ass.
59. Brooke Shields farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon.
60. Brian Boitano built the pyramids and beat up Kublai Khan.


61. The f word never hurt anybody


62. Satan really wants to live 'up there'
63. Kenny's death was the fault of the hospital assistant who missed lunch.

*beep* me, it's a leprechaun!!


64. Kyle's mother is more evil than Cartman.
65. Satan is a big Johnny Depp fan.


67: You can live for 3 seconds with a baked potato as a heart.


68. Cartman's mom stars in german porn
69. Stan doesn't know what the *beep* is wrong with Greman People
70. The Mole hates God


71. US soldiers are easily amused.
72. A Jew ruined the World, a white trash woman's son saved it. (notice irony)
73. You see homeless people, but you just don't care.

How is Satan a Johnny Depp fan?


Australians and Canadians are the same thing (we probably are lol).


75. windows 98 is not better or faster
76. the v-chip hurts
78. tomorrow night our lives will change
79. Winnona Ryder has a famous ping-pong ball trick



82. instead of saying F*u*(*k* yu shud say M'KAY.

83. Cartman doesn't have any jewish candy.

84. don't trust anything tht bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die..

85. Brooke shields farted ONCE on the set of blue lagoon.

Don’t judge me based on your ignorance


86. Horrible violence is okay, as long as there is no naughty language
87. Conan O' Brian laughed at the Terrence and Philip movie
88. There are times when you get suckerd in by drugs and alcohol and sex with women.


89. Jesus is a U.S. soldier
90. If you're going to sing a derogatory song about someone, make sure they aren't standing behind you
91. Winona Ryder's ping pong trick isn't what it looks like
92. The Mole's mother tried to abort him
93. The inhabitants of hell poop fireballs
94. The U.S. army uses black people to protect tanks and planes
95. Terrance performed oral sex on Phillip and has a picture to prove it
96. Everything is super when you're gay
97. 5 AM is a day that will live in infamy
98. A butt is for pooping, silly
99. Don't try to discourage cussing, you never know when it might save the day
100. You can deactivate a car alarm even after your car has been demolished


Since there were quite a few repeats (mostly blue lagoon and ping pong ball trick) I'll add a few more.

101. Bich is latin for generosity.

102. The U.S. government has zero tolerance for faulty operating systems.

103. Homeless people will do anything for a bottle of vodka.

I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge


104. Ike knows how to play the harmonica.
105. A butt is for pooping silly!...(it took me several years to actually figure that joke out xD lmao)

106. The Mole *beep* hates guard dogs.
107. Cartman doesn't know the difference between French and British people.
108. The Mole's real name is Christof.


109.Souls being tortured in hell make pretty great back up singers
110. Mr garrison can't wait for first shore leave so he can get him some hot fuc king poon tang
111. Saddam Hussein is from mars, Satan is from venus


the last 3 are repeats, so;

112. Cartman has been calling Kyle a 'jew' for so long that he can sometimes think of it as just an insult and not what Kyle is!

113. Cartman's mom is an awefully calm and friendly crack whore if her Schitzche (I don't know how to spell that) porno is anything to go by!


109. Random wristwatches will reveal the start of the third act of some movies.

110. Trey Parker is a big fan of the Indiana Jones movies.

111. When it comes to women, the most important "C" word is CONFIDENCE!


You can't get kids to stay at a Save Terrance and Philip meeting if you don't have cake and pie.


100-something: This is the best Musical ever
NEVER trust Conan O'Brien
Brian Boitano can time travel

We're playing poker for gum.


61. Canadian pussy is mighty cold.


51. you can't say *beep* in school you *beep* fatass!


100.kyles moms a bitch


Dr vosknoker invented the v-chip


The U.S. army uses african-americans as defense.


Ike can play a mean harmonica


120(ish): Cartman brings a megaphone to class to clarify things.
121: Kenny is great at giving relationship advice.
122: What the priest said to the Iranian geinecologist.


123. Satin owns a rainbow hang glider


Guys, Base on what you guys stated, I'm gonna make a full list. Wait for it.


121. the Mole fv<king hates guard dogs
122. more people will come if they think there's punch and pie
123. there are microwaves in ER rooms
124. those who drive trucks of salt are horrible drivers and will park in front of a hospital
125. a car alarm is more annoying than realizing someone has fallen 100 stories and crushed your car
126. the only thing that sucks about being a Baldwin is that you don't have a bomb shelter
127. musicals can be entertaining if they make fun of other musicals
128. Cartman's mom took a poo in the face

Bangkok Dangerous better be the greatest movie ever made. But it won't be. It's going to suck.


129. Ike is too young for this
130. Kids in The Netherlands and France know what a *beep* Kyles's mum is
131. Canada is to balme for the downfall of American children.

Mrs Voorhees is watching you!




141. Cartman's mom likes German people.

Didn't see it on the list...


142: The US army should think twice about sacrificing its black troops


143: cartman heard what you said the first time, you British piece of sh!t!
144: parents really do not have a sense of humour
145: being electricuted is worse than falling asleep, and having your mate put his dick in your mouth and taking a picture
146: mr hat wants to be satans best friend
147: now the boys little lives are complete


148: Brian Denadey should get the fu** outta here


149. Saddam Hussein is sexually aroused by the idea of taking over the world
150. "The Emancipation Proclamation" is the name of a hip-hop song
151. Satan is really a big softie
152. Poop has been ruled edible
153. Kyle's mom will gladly upstage the president of the U.S.
154. The Mole really, REALLY hates God
155. Stan needs to stop thinking with his dick
156. Kyle thinks Cartman's mom sucks...even though HIS mom started a war and almost caused the end of the world
157. The password is "La Resistance"...and "Bacon"
158. Saddam can still sing after being impaled on a stalagmite
159. Shelly likes Britney Spears
160. Terrance and Phillip singlehandedly keep Canada's economy afloat
161. Brian Boitano is some kind of superhero/demigod


162. Conan is extremely resiliant, considering he got impaled on a car 10 years ago and is still ticking. :)
163. Shelley was listening to records in 1999, not a cassette or a CD, lol.
164. Brian Boitano eats a lot of spicey chicken wings. (end credits)
165. Satan's ideal world is where babies burp and flowers bloom.
166. If you are wanted by the American government, you probably shouldn't be a guest on Conan.

One thing I can't figure out is whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that Cartman no longer has his screwy V-Chip powers. :)

Vote for your fave video games at the Chibiusas!


That killing the Baldwins is an act of war.
A clitoris can talk.
That a potato can replace a heart-albeit only for a few seconds.



170. The Mole is a French kid
171. There's nothing sucking about being a Baldwin
172. What the Spanish priest said to the Iranian gynecologist was a fart
173. You shouldn't miss church or else you'll end up in hell
174. Kyle likes to kick Ike
175. Terrance and Philip: Asses of Fire is rated R and was number 1 at the box office
176. In order for Mr. Garrison to understand what a student is saying, the student must use a megaphone
177. Cartman thinks getting grounded for 3 weeks is bullsh^t
178. Stan was holding up the goddamn lunch line because he was staring at Wendy
179. Mr. Garrison thinks Clyde is a complete retard
180. Philip is a pig f^$%er because he f^&%s pigs
181. When you spell out Forensics, you write "Suck My Ass"
182. Getting high on Pot is unacceptable but getting high on Pottery is ok
183. Cartman is stoked that he doesn't have to pay Kenny the 100 dollars they bet
184. In order for a person to get into heaven, you need to press a giant red button that says "Push"
185. In 1999, Heaven population was 1656 and Hell population was approximately 923,565,420,000 and is still rising
186. Canadians can say ABOOT but they can't say ABOUT
187. Bill Clinton appointed Kyle's mom as The Secretary of Offense
188. Americans call Death Camp "HAPPY CAMP"
189. Cartman likes to eat chips while his friends are singing
190. The Mole is grounded because he said very naughty things about God
191. Stan thinks The Mole is really f$#%ed up
192. The Mole carries around a fake binocular
193. Apparently you can see fart jokes on Nickelodeon
194. Stan thanks The Clitoris when he finally gets Wendy to like him


195. Mohatma Gandhi and hitler live in hell
196. The only person who wants to touch Cartman is Butters
197. Clyde doesn't know the answer to 5 x 2
198. Heaven only has 1,916 people in it
199. Saddam Hussein can still sing in hell even when he's dead
200. To get into an R Rated movie pay a homeless guy 10 dollars to get you in



203. If you have a v chip in you can't say s**t in english but you can say in in german


1,000. did i say death camp? i meant happy camp :D

[/b]My name is Hakmed, and im a terrorist[/b]


205. (can't believe no one said this) Terrance and Phillipe are Sweet... SUPER SWEET!!!


206. Brian Boitano is like Chuck Norris on ice skates


207: "Forensics" is spelled "S-U-C-K-M-Y-A-S-S"


208. 82nd Airborne Loves Yippie!!

Great, now we gotta do the rest of this thing with Danny Elfman!


number. whatever. If your gonna get served dance to billy ray cyrus.


Stan is gentle and mild, just like Jesus.


209. Eat Snacky S'mores

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


210. To get a girl you're obsessed with to like you, confidently search out and rub her clitoris.

Damn, if only I knew this in third grade. That hot 17-year-old kindergarten teacher would've totally been into me.



I honestly cannot believe after 15 years, these haven't been said yet:

211. According to James Hetfield, Hell isn't good, and Hell is hot.
213. SAtan has a giant picture of Skeet Ulrich over his bed.
214. God is the biggest b1tch of them all
215. Saddam doesn't nurture Satan's emotions.
216: Canadian soldiers charge you with hockey sticks

and, my all-time personal favorite one ever,
217: Big Gay Al's pianist plays a "Felcher & Sons" piano.

If you don't know why that's funny, google "felching"

Son, you can't polish a turd
