Sam I Am
I was just rewatching this episode today. I didn't realize it before but It cracked me up on how quickly piper jumped back before even Leo or Paige did when phoebe was taking the dark lighters arrow out of Sam on the couch and she said "anyone with white-lighter blood step back now!". Piper was so quick to jump back because of her baby and the look on her face.
It's also interesting in this episode that phoebes fight with Cole wasn't just about vanquishing him by any means as she stated to piper, but much deeper. Was more about her wanting Cole to suffer defeat at her hands. She needed Cole to fight her so she can can vanquish and defeat him in a battle and see his face knowing she defeated him. Seemed evident when she hesitated to throw the potion when she realized Cole was trying to commit suicide. If phoebe really just wanted Cole dead she would have thrown the potion iregardless. But being a lovers quarrel such a death wasn't fulfilling enough for her.