MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > did tribunal had every right to remove p...

did tribunal had every right to remove phoebe powers

what did you think the tribunal council had every right to remove phoebe power
because she keep using them for personal gain when she trying to force her magic
to show her the face of her baby father


I felt it was more of a sympathy verdict given to evil to balance the table. There were 4 council members. Two good and two evil. Since the charmed ones one the case it was a win for the good side. I believe they agreed to taking phoebes active powers just to give evil something in return so the evil side of the council wouldn't feel slighted.


It was one of the most retarded plots I'd ever seen on Charmed. Phoebe losing her active powers served absolutely no greater good as far as writing the future of the series went.

Besides Phoebe's Premonition power took a backseat to Empathy pretty much straight away so it was already out of sight/out of mind by that time. it served no purpose to take both Empathy and Premonition away. I mean it wasn't like Levitation where (I assume) it became too expensive to rely on on-set injury insurance to keep utilizing it just because.

And ending the series with Phoebe still more or less powerless - (two times I recall Premonition was used later were in the Death episode and the Dex wedding bells) - rendered a Charmed One's powers completely negligible. And having alleged that Premonition was one of the most coveted witch powers around according to Melinda Warren.

They might as well have taken away Paige's orbing and Piper's exploding power - back to bare basics.

It was just lame beyond lame.
