Seen Rumors all over the Internet, 2016 Re-Union, however nothing confirmed on IMDB.

Could someone please tell me if Holly-Marie, Alyssa and Rose are going to be re-uniting quite possibly the three best Witches on TV, except Rebecca Madder as The Wicked Witch of the West on OUAT.


The problem lies in the fact that the rights of the show are now owned by CBS, who had nothing to do with making its original run. CBS talked about doing a reboot but there was an outcry because the original cast wasn't involved. On the plus side, all four actresses have in the last year said they would be willing to do a reunion show (HMC and SD said they were both on board earlier this year). The issue of Shannen's illness has probably contributed to the silence from the network. I would suggest that you join one of the many Facebook and Twitter groups calling for a reunion (as I have done) and harass the networks directly! We all want to see those ladies back!!!


Well in the meantime we get to see Alyssa Milano's graphic novel Hacktivist make it to tv and also see her in a tv series.



A reunion should not be expected if they eventually decided to produce a new Charmed show, because it will be struggling a lot, due to the severe change in shows about the supernatural that has showed up since shows like Charmed and Buffy was made.

They became much darker and they don't go as deep in to every character like these two old gems, which also made them lovable.
Most likely you would get a Charmed, which is a whole lot darker than the original.
Not a show about sisters, who just happens to be witches. It will be a show about witches, who just happens to be sisters.
