MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > Paige's nasty treatment of Cole

Paige's nasty treatment of Cole

Prue and Cole was always an interesting relationship to me. She correctly suspected that something was wrong about him. After he comes back, she's cold toward him again, but then they started to slowly like each other and made one hell of a team. The Western and Death episodes being some of my favorites.

When Cole is forced/brainwashed to kill that witch by that other demon in order to get his father's soul back (I really wish they further explored Cole's relationship with his father), you could see a genuine sadness on Prue's face mixed with anger and disappointment, along with Piper and Phoebe too. That was Cole and Prue's last scene together which makes it even more sad to me.

However with Paige, she turns on Cole for no reason, long before that Source/Cole possession nonsense started. She sees Balthazar in the book and immediately judges him, making unnecessary snide remarks.

The irony is Cole was the reason Paige became a Charmed one as quickly as she did. Piper was too busy mourning Prue to care, Leo had no idea who Paige was, Phoebe wanted to help but again didn't know who she was. But it was Cole who found out from his Underworld contacts, motivating Piper to summon Patty and Grams to find out the truth, thus leading to the Charmed ones being reborn.



I think they've all been pretty harsh on Cole. All the charmed ones had an experience being seduced by evil and how easy it was to turn and they very good and powerful witches. Yet Cole who discovers good for the first time in a century rejected and pushed away at every corner.
To save any of the sisters he's also had to embrace evil too many times with just insults or disgust as a thanks even when it was at a Charmed one's request.



Do your mean Cole saving Paige in Centennial charmed?



Huh? Cole didn't save Paige in Centennial Charmed. That's the episode he dies in.


With Paige, she was new to the craft, and in one episode (black as Cole) she discovers what Cole could turn into and do as Balthazar then later finds out that he killed that lady's fiance. It was hard for her to get over. but she did eventually but it took time


Yeah, I think in one of the S5 episodes she actually comes to his defense during some argument. I can't remember the exact episode.

Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.


5x07 - Sympathy For The Demon


Because she was the only one with common sense. Cole was evil.



And he wasn't evil when she first met him either. He was all for the good fight at that point.

Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.


No he wasn't.

Yes, he was. He was a monster called Belthazor who had spent the best part of the previous 100 years killing innocent people and gaining a pretty big reputation for it.

Paige was new to the craft and saw this demon who could transform into a creature, of course she had right to be dubious and skeptical. Any normal person would be.

Babies kill TV shows!



Except he wasn't. That was made pretty clear in the show.

No it wasn't. It was made clear in the show he was a demon/evil that went through a period of trying to be good, couldn't and thus was vanquished a total of four times (if not more) in the show.

Well yeah, he was raised to be a demon, by his demon mother. That didn't erase his humanity completely though.

He was born evil. Hence the red skin and demonic powers. Having humanity doesn't make someone not evil. Humans can be evil and there were beings in the show that had a side of humanity (such as warlocks and witches) that were susceptible to becoming evil.

She also pitied him in S5, so clearly, even she didn't think he was entirely evil.

Yes. Later on in S5, that's called character/story development.

It also pays to remember, that if Cole hadn't been infected with the Hollow for the purpose of saving everyone's life, he never would've become the Source. He was human and a human who was fighting on the side of good at that.

It also pays to remember that there was no Hollow or Source around in S5 when he willingly killed innocent people, nor prior to the Hollow/Source when he was Belthazor.

Babies kill TV shows!


Because she's an immature twit. Prue got on my nerves half the time but she was the big sister looking out for her younger sister. Paige was just a bitch really. I think her snide remarks came around the episode where that woman accused Cole of killing her fiance only to find out it was another demon with inside out markings. Ever since then she has always had something bitchy to say to him before he was possessed.


You should watch Nip/tuck season 6 where the roles kinda reverses for Julian and Rose.
