A Witch in Time and Time Travel
I was just watching this episode again. Why did future Piper fade away at the end after miles died? As it was future piper that went to the past shouldn't she have still been there and have to find a way back to her present like Chris tried to. The writers basically decided to continue from a period in the past with a past piper. Now no one remembers the warlock bacarra and his attack on them. Chris traveling back in time to the past didn't make him disappear when he changed key events in the past which he did a lot?
Piper: Okay, let's not argue about how he got here. He's here and he's got our book.
Paige: Okay, that book holds a centuries worth of magic that he can use against us. Great.
Piper: Too many spells and potions to remember, let alone defend against.
Phoebe: We're dead.
Piper: Again.
Paige: And again.
Leo: Ladies, death can not be feared. For death, in time comes to all witches. You know, the witch who says she's not scared in battle is a liar. The real witch is the one who fights.
Piper: Honey?
Leo: Yeah?
Piper: Zip it.
Leo: Okay. I thought it was worth a shot.