Tried rewatching...

So when I first started watching this show I was pretty young and I loved seeing these women with powerful abilities. Then Prue died off and I ended up being turned off by the show half way through season 4 and only to return for an episode here and there and then the finale.

Most recently I started missing the show so I started off from season 1 and have gotten to about the same part of season 4 that has turned me off and I have been choosing other shows to fill its place instead of continuing. There's something so off with season 4 that just makes me turn away. Now, although I do like Paige, I miss Prue seeing as I felt she was more of the heart of the show.

-On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "What day is it?" "It's October 3rd"-


I can understand that. Although I love Paige, I just don't like the changes in Piper and Phoebe once Prue is gone.

That's why I only have the first three seasons on DVD and count *that* as Charmed, with the rest as an alternate-universe spin-off.

So absolutely nothing wrong in feeling that way.


If you ever attempt a rewatch again, you should try starting with season 4 instead of trying to start from season 1. I actually like a lot of the show with Paige in it, especially season 4, but when I do rewatch the show, I tend to either rewatch seasons 1-3 or 4-7 (I hate season 8). The first 3 seasons feel very different from the following 4 seasons. Tonally, season 4 is most like the first 3 seasons, mostly due to its being a continuation of season 3. Seasons 5 through 7 feel like a completely different show though. I still enjoy aspects of those seasons, but it's very difficult to do a rewatch all the way from season 1 through to season 7 due to its being such a different show in the latter seasons. So, it may not just be the fact that Prue is gone. I personally enjoy watching later seasons, but even I find it difficult to keep watching past season 3 into season 4 as one continuous rewatch.


That's a *very* good idea, because you're right - they truly are two totally different shows where only the names of the characters are the same:

-the first one is about three sisters who happen to be witches; the second is about three demon-hunters who happen to be related.

-the first one believes that the Charmed Ones are supposed to protect those innocent of magic and not punish the guilty, while the second one believes that ends justify the means.

-the first believes in girl power (not the same as women's lib...); the second believes a woman is nothing without a man and children

-the first believes in the Power of Three, the need for each other - the second believes in the Power of One except when her name is Phoebe.

-the first believes that death means something; the second doesn't since the one who dies either comes back to life immediately (especially if her her name is Piper) or can show up as a corporeal ghost whenever they feel like it (Grams), the only exception being if her name is Prue.

So if you do them as two totally different series, the two series make a lot more sense.


While I think that season 1 is really good, even great, I prefer rewatching season 4 - 7. I love changes generally so I enjoyed when Paige came into the picture. The show became more dinamic, storylines are more interesting than the S2 and S3 ones, altough I think S8 is the weakest link of them all. Of course there are differences in S1 and in S5 or in S7 but somehow they feel so naturally to me. I am not quite the same person from 8 years ago but the core is there. It is the same with this show, the main bar and core are always present. Personally, I love almost equally S1, 4 and 6 and I am always back and forth which one should take the first place. They are all so different yet so similar in a way. I always appreciated how in S6 they introduced us with that demon with two heads in first episode, then with Smoke demons. All of them feel like season 1 nefarious creatures and I don't like how season 6 didn't flash them out even more.
In last couple of years, S5 and S7 really grew on me and there are terrific episodes as well.


As someone who loved Pru and really enjoyed the first three season, I usually only watch up until the end of season four. For me, that ends the story of Charmed. The other season just became hollow and far from what the show originally started out doing.


A key reason why it may be hard for you to get through season 4 after just watching 1 - 3 is because that sisterly bonding they had with Prue as the older sister and anchor went out to window in season 4. The first half of season 4 was still ok since both Piper and phoebe were still mourning Prue and adjusting to Paige but clearly as the season progressed Piper as the older sister couldn't keep the bond together as Prue could do and every sister was basically off doing their own thing without worrying about consequences. Meaning before, Piper and phoebe would always think seriously about what Prue would say or think before doing anything. But now phoebe and Paige were just always doing what ever they wanted and they often tried to listen to piper out of respect but they really never did most of the time. Piper just could not give phoebe or Paige the type of sit down talk Prue used to be able to give. And phoebe getting a job just made it so much worse for the situation and sisterly family dynamics. But if you thought about it Phoebe was more like the older sisters in ways. Whenever she came to her sensehs at times in dire circumstances and she didn't have her head buried in her work or men she would always be the one rallying the sisters to get things done and come up with ideas. Until Paige sort of starting taking over the older responsible sister role in seasons 6 on and phoebe just buried herself deeper into her work and men and Piper her children.

Season 1 - 3 was the story of three sisters trying to be witches. Season 4 -8 are three witches sucking at being sisters. That's why seasons 1 -3 need to be separated from seasons 4 - 6 when rewatching

I usually bing watch seasons 1 - 3, give it a long rest then start season 4 - 8 like it was a charmed revival after a series finale.


Wow, GZV, that's the best explanation of the differences that I've ever read. Great job!


Yeah I agree by the end the show was unwatchable
