MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > Did anyone prefer way they did end credi...

Did anyone prefer way they did end credits in season 1 ?.

I like season one closing credits better then season 2 onwards closing credits!.


I liked both.

What I *did* prefer was when they had different opening credits for certain early episodes.


They always changed the credits depending on which cast members were appearing.

Babies kill TV shows!


I MUCH more prefer the first closing credits theme. It sounds exciting, while the later one sounds so sappy. And it's also very nostalgic, when I rewatched the show it immediately brought me back to the late 90s.


I like both, but the first one is extremely nostalgic. Gives me so many fond memories of me watching it as a kid


As soon as I found out that the lyrics for the theme for a show about girl power (not women's lib) started "I am the son; I am the heir" (I always thought it was "I am the sun; I am the air") I much preferred just the instrumental version.

The original theme song would've been perfect for The Charmed Sons spin-off, which, thank God, never happened, not Charmed.
