Theory about Paige and the reboot...
I've heard that one of the reboot's 1976 witches will be named Paige. I think the overall description of her is that she's the traditional "housewifie" type of the trio. So maybe in the first season of the show, she meets someone, gets married, and maybe in the next couple seasons afterward she becomes the OG Paige's adoptive mother. She names the baby after herself, and throughout the show we could potentially see little Paige grow up.
I know that some would poke holes in this but I think all of it could probably be explained.
First of all, I know the show is supposed to take place in New England, and that Paige lived in San Francisco when her parent's died, but it's never really established that she spent her whole childhood there. She probably could have lived in New England when she was very young, and they move to San Francisco later, which is probably the place where her mother or father are originally from.
Secondly, I think its entirely possible that Paige wouldn't remember her mother's witchy adventures because the charmed ones themselves were surrounded by magic when they were very young. I think Prue was like 5 or 6 when their powers were taken away. That's plenty of time for the show to run its course, while we get to see Paige early in her childhood.
This little theory can be tossed out if the names of Paige's deceased parents were already revealed to us. I also apologize if this was someone else's original concept xD I haven't seen the idea tossed around at all so I figured I'd mention it here.