Question re: Ellen Lind's Marriage
Maybe there's nothing to be confused about and I'm looking for it to be more complex than it was, but Ellen's big secret confuses me. So, am I correct to understand that:
1. Her entire big secret was that she was married?
2. There wasn't an "I'll be back if it doesn't work out" clause in her letter that Erik omitted? Erik simply inserted a fake confession about the money and omitted the "I'll always love you" bit?
3. And it was just as simple as her going back to determine that there was no rectifying her marriage?
I'm not sure why this ending leaves me unsatisfied. I know her big, dark secret was a bigger deal in 1956 rural Sweden than it could ever strike anyone in the urban U.S. today, but still... What is it I'm looking for? I feel like I've eaten a huge meal but still crave some undefined bite. Maybe I'd have been more intrigued if she, too, were trying to swindle the protagonist; that's a darker and more compelling secret.